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Y'all...I still haven't recovered from #DrunkTaylorsVersion at the VMAs, like HELP I love her so much. AND her reaction to Stray Kids? HFKLJCLKESJ I lost my SHIT, I'm so happy my two worlds collided (Stray Kids and Taylor ofc). AND THE TAYLENA CONTENT??? SO MUCH HAPPENED AT THE VMAS AND TAYLOR LOOKED SO FUCKING HOT AND STRAY KIDS LOOKED SO FUCKING HOT AND SELENA LOOKED SO FUCKING HOT AND RENEE LOOKED SO FUCKING HOT AY DIOS MIO.

ANYGAY, enjoy :)

Taylor POV

If I had a dime for every time I was woken up by my phone ringing off the walls I'd have probably a lot of dimes. Too many to freaking count.

"Baby, for the love of bloody God almighty, please pick up the phone," Wren's morning rasp grumbles loudly through the pillows, echoing into my ear while I whine, huffing frustratedly as I reach over, slapping my hand on my side table and snatching my phone.

I don't even look at the screen when I slide my finger to answer and press the phone to my ear, yawning as I breathe out, "Hello?"

"I've called you five times, what took you so long?"


Groaning, I blink away the sleep in my eyes and sniff tiredly, "I was sleeping, like a normal person. What time is it?"

"Who is it?" Wren asks and I mouth Tree until I hear her frantic voice come in again.

"It's ten am. How drunk were you last night?"

Snorting, I sit up in bed and shrug as if she can see me, "I mean I drank water once I got home."

"And Wren?"

Frowning now, I glance at my girlfriend who's started to sit up as well, glancing at her phone on the nightstand that isn't turning on, watching as she huffs frustratedly at its dead battery, snatching the charger she keeps here off the ground and plugging it in.

"Alright, fine! We were drunk, pretty drunk. Why? Someone get a bad angle of me?"

"More like evidence of you two dating."

My heart freezes in my chest and cracks right off every single vein and artery attached, toppling down through my body until it hits into my toes. I can feel my eyes shooting wide open, sleep and forming hangover evaporating completely, instead being replaced with panic.


My hand touches my chest, checking if I'm still alive, gaining Wren's concerned attention as she looks over.

"What is it?"

I turn my head towards her, then pull my phone away from my ear and place it on speaker, putting it down on the comforter between us.

"You're on speaker, Wren's here. What do you mean, Tree? What evidence?"

My hands instantly reach for my laptop on my nightstand while Tree sighs into the phone.

"First I have to ask, did you two kiss at the concert last night?"

Everything in me pounds with fear and anxiety as I recall the memory from last night, how we were dancing, getting lost in each other, having fun with our friends. I remember how good it felt when Wren would dance with me, how perfectly I fit into her hold, our fingers together. How I couldn't help myself, couldn't resist the urge to kiss her.

Wren's face has completely drained of color now and she glances at me, terror evident in her features as I impatiently wait for my laptop to pull up Twitter.

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