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A/N: TWO UPDATES IN ONE DAY WOOO! And this is a looooongggg one, I really think you guys will like it ;)

Wren POV

"Bloody hell," I groan, waking with my hand on my head as I sit up in bed.

Last night was mostly a blur, aside from a few things. And something I certainly remember is that I am not alone this morning. My head looks down at the model sleeping beside me, completely nude in my bed, hickeys all over her neck.

I feel some on my own, along with raised skin from her nails in my back last night as I reach behind myself to feel them.

Groaning again at the headache, I carefully slide out of bed and head to the loo to freshen up, coming out to see that Cara is awakening.

"Fucking hell..." She grumbles, rubbing her eyes as she does so.

I breathe out a light laugh and place the bottle of Advil I retrieved from the bathroom on the nightstand beside her, taking two pills for myself and swallowing them dry.

"Good morning," I smile tiredly and she looks up at me, smirking when she sees me standing nude in front of her.

"Definitely a good morning...kind of," She rubs her temples and I nod, "Agreed."

I turn to my dresser and pull on some cotton shorts and an oversized t-shirt, walking over to get my phone and see that I have a few texts from Florence, updating me on her night and day ahead, along with a text from Christi about my press tour beginning in just a few days.

"Last night was fun," Cara says as she forces herself up to put on the same clothes she wore last night.

Smiling to myself, remembering just how fun it was, the sloppy drunken sex that felt more freeing than most things I've been doing lately, I nod.

"I had a good time."

She comes over to me and loops her fingers over the hem of my shorts, taking my attention off my messages and placing it on herself as she pulls me closer, planting a kiss to my lips. It's a short kiss, but I smile nonetheless, satisfied that I clearly gave the model a good time, the same model I used to have a crush on years ago when I saw her in a magazine.

"Call me if you ever need to have fun again," She murmurs against my lips, grabbing her bag off the floor and winking up at me.

"I can give you a ride if you want," I offer but she just waves dismissively, "No worries, my driver's on his way. Got plenty to do and now need extra time for makeup," She states, pointing to her neck which brings a laugh out of me.

"Understood. I'll see you."

She waves behind her as she finds her own way to the front door and I am left feeling completely satisfied with the night. I got what I wanted, a fun night of careless sex. And thankfully Cara wanted the same. In the car ride home, she put her number in my phone, telling me to use it whenever I have needs again, and just reassured me of that this morning, this time not drunk as hell like we were last night.

I think back to the bar, and remember how Taylor seemed upset when she left. We made eye contact, that I know, and she looked so upset about something. Selena was with her, looking like she was trying to help console her, but I couldn't tell what she was upset about. Even when I tried to find her, she told me she was fine repeatedly, told me that she was going to head home early, that she was just tired, and she left without Tom.

Did they get into a fight or something?

I don't see Tom as the argumentative type.

But maybe she was upset with him or he was with her.

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