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A/N: Attendance Timeeeee, enjoy this chapter :)

Not at all quite like what I expected a Taylor Swift party to be like. For such a seemingly put-together and innocent person, I certainly did not predict that I would be walking into a room with beer pong in one corner, a karaoke machine in another, a photo booth, drunk Jenga, and a whole table covered in boxes of pizza.

"So this is a Taylor Swift party, huh?"

From beside me, arm hooked in my own, Emma chortles and nudges me, "Are you really that surprised?"

"Actually? Yes, I am. I was expecting wine and cheese boards."

The newly brunette actress nods in the direction of a dinner table. Glancing over at it, I guffaw at the sight of wine glasses, bottles, and a few charcuterie boards splayed out in a brilliantly gorgeous display.

"Now that right there, is right on point."


A platinum blonde nearly skips over to us, wrapping her arms around Emma who nearly tips over but catches her tall friend with a laugh.

"Taylor! I see you're going all out tonight."

When they separate, the woman's bright, ethereal skies twinkle with delight and pride, lifting her arms slightly before dropping them to her sides with nonchalance, as if indicating she had no choice but to throw a party like this.

"Gotta go out with a bang."

Tracking on over to Emma's right, sapphires travel up to meet mine. My heart skips a beat in my chest at that eye contact, it's unlike any other. Sometimes it's hard to believe this woman is even real. She is the stark, clear-cut image of a goddess, sings with the voice of an angel, and lights up the whole room when she tugs up the corners of her painted lips.

It's even harder to believe that I am at one of her houses, attending her party. Even if I was just a plus one.

"Wrenley James Grant," She smirks up at me, a shimmering curtain passing over her eyes as she does so and it sends electrical currents up through me.

Mirroring her expression, tilting my head to the side, I raise an eyebrow, "Taylor Alison Swift."


"Absolutely," I quip, not noticing the way Emma looks between us and excuses herself to greet her other friends.

Taylor and I seem to be stuck standing in front of one another, not being able to break eye contact by some uncontrollable force of nature.

A beat passes and the blonde blinks, eyes going wide now as she shakes her head, placing her hand on my forearm over my chest. I almost jolt at the contact, not understanding the trickles of energy zapping through my veins at the contact, but I hold my composure.

"I am so sorry. I should've invited you. We've been messaging all week long and I had so many opportunities, I really was going to but then Emma told me she was bringing you and–"

"Taylor." I almost whisper, watching curiously as her body stops immediately at me saying her name, eyes flitting back up to me, blinking slow, wide and doe-like, blissfully sound.

I reach for her hand on my arm and take it into my own, giving it a little squeeze as I offer a reassuring smile, not wanting the woman to overthink this or even begin to think I took it personally because I didn't.

We've only met twice and have been messaging for a week, I wouldn't for a second think that made us the best of friends, at least not yet.

"Relax, love. It is alright, I in no way took it to heart. We've only just become friendly with one another, I didn't expect an invite. Though I am sorry if it seems like I am crashing."

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