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My fingers fiddle with my utensils, knife slipping as I cut through the omelette, catching myself before looking up at the woman.

"Tom? He's a nice lad. Very respectful. Bit too much of a dreamer, but has always been very kind. Why do you ask?"

Taylor swirls the coffee in her cup, lips pulling downwards as she shakes her head with nonchalance, trying to shrug off any indications. But I remember the Met Gala, I remember how they danced together, how they hung out the other week.

"No reason, I was just curious is all."

"You fancy him," I state it simply, crossing my arms over my chest as I lean back in my seat, trying not to pay much attention to the gurgling of irritation surfacing, bubbling up in my chest the longer I think about the blonde with Tom.

She flushes and widens her eyes, looking around as if people heard us, but the volume surrounding our table would make it nearly impossible.

"I never said that."

"You're blushing."

"Because I was scared people heard you!"

"With the sounds around us? Doubtful. You fancy Tom."

Taylor stares at me, eyes flickering briefly below my eye line, but darts them right back to mine, the pink seeping further into her cheeks.

"He's nice to me."


A sting of pain shoots into my chest at the reasoning. All of these men from her past have run her down, worn her out and worked her into grinds in the floor that lowered her standards far below what anyone's should be.

Her past has led her into liking a guy just because he's nice to her?

I make sure to add a long count of names to my list of people I'd like to give a nice curb stomp to. Seeing as I witnessed one in person, Adam Wiles AKA Calvin Harris, is the first one marked. And Kanye West. And I am sure many more that have burned her in the past to make her feel like she should lower her standards to simple human decency.

"I don't know, he makes me laugh, you know? He's just a nice, easy-going guy."

She looks at me expectantly, as if awaiting my approval, like once I give it to her she can breathe, though I don't understand why.

She doesn't need my approval to do anything, she's her own person, it's her life, her choices. I'm not going to stop her from doing anything she wants to do.

So I just nod, "Tom's a good guy."

I focus back on my food, noting the slight appearance of disappointment in her gaze, but I don't dwell on it. In fact, I'd much rather move on from the topic than stay discussing her infatuation with the Marvel actor.

Taylor eventually tears her eyes from me and continues eating her meal as well, a strange cloud of tension and weight falling over us, as if the room has begun to dim.

I am not the kind of person to judge someone for moving on quickly, but the timing is certainly interesting. She meets Tom at the Met Gala, spends time with him, and a month later dumps Adam. Not that Adam didn't deserve it, he most certainly did, but timing is everything, and knowing Taylor even the small bits that I do currently, I know that it is especially true for her. I just hope she knows what she's doing and she doesn't get herself hurt or put too much on herself.

The rest of our meal goes fairly well. The topic of conversation changes and she asks about my movie releasing this month. I tell her all about The Shallows and the filming experience in Australia.

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