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A/N: Helloooooo :) yk what to do folks

Taylor POV

What was the best week of my life came to a fast end. Much as I'd rather stay, Wren and I both know I have to go back to New York. That and I promised Gigi I'd go see her at the Tommy Hilfiger fashion show in a few days and breaking promises never sits well with me.

However, despite knowing leaving is the best choice, I'm still full of sadness. Every night since that first night, Wren and I have had the best time. We hungout with her costars a bunch, and on days Wren was filming long hours, Lily and I would grab lunch.

I spent most hours with Lily during the day in all honesty, and I can safely say that I was a complete idiotic tool. We bonded over so many different things, and she offered to teach me British slang that I only pretend to know when Wren says them, so the lessons were greatly appreciated.

I also gave her the number of my interior designer to give her a second opinion on her choices for her and Matt's new place, we got really in depth with the interior design talk, I actually really enjoyed the conversations.

"Do you have to go?" Wren pouts in the car as we pull up on the tarmac where my private jet awaits.

My head turns to look at her, meeting the saddened frown as I give her hand a light squeeze.

"You know I have to. Plus, like we discussed, it's good for us to learn the distance and how to maneuver around it. What's gonna happen when I'm touring and you get another film to shoot? Much as I'd love to stay here with you, it's only going to make us stronger, baby," I smile hopefully and she groans, leaning back against the headrest as the diver and guards start taking my bags out.

"I hate it when you're right."

"I know."

A knock on the window breaks me out of our little universe and I turn to it, rolling it down to reveal Tree who took the plane here to come and get me.

"Hi Wren," She grins and Wren nods kindly with a cute little salute.

"Tree, good to see you."

"You as well. Just to let you know, Tay, there's about four paps hovering."

"Four of 'em, you say?" I raise an eyebrow, Wren chuckling beside me while Tree holds up an umbrella to shield me from both the rain and embarrassing angles.

"I'll be out in just a sec," I say to her, giving her a look that tells her I want a few moments alone with Wren before I leave and don't see her for however long.

"Take your time."

Wren waves to her again and once the window's back up, she grabs my face and pulls me into a deeply passionate kiss that takes me off guard at first, but I melt right into it, into the daunting feeling of distance looming above our heads, the longing we'll both be having the second I get on that plane, the cold half of the bed I'll have to wake up to yet again.

Her tongue brushes along my bottom lip but doesn't press further, instead pulling away and leaning her forehead against mine. Both of us release long breaths as the reality hits, that our little week of bliss has come to an abrupt end.

"I'm going to miss you so much, my love," Wren mutters, her shaded blues reflecting the image of myself and the car within them, like a perfect mirror.

Her fingers are placed on my chin and cheek, gaze tracing over my features, leaving a trail of stardust with each smooth passing.

My cheeks burn with the feeling of her touch, chest tightening as if not being able to contain the amounts my heart enlarges just for her, holding back its reaching arms trying to grasp onto her for just another moment.

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