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A/N: Sorry I missed last night's update! I was kind of high...and fell asleep. And also I GOT HIRED FOR BARNES AND NOBLE TODAY BITCHES!!! The job I've wanted since I was like TEN. 13 years later and I got it LOL

Anyway, enjoy!

Taylor POV

If someone were to tell me that I would actually be eating lunch in a haunted cemetery today with my horror-crazed girlfriend, I would've thought you were joking...well, actually I probably would've believed you because it's definitely something I figured she'd make me do at some point.

What I didn't expect, however, was that I'd enjoy it.

Yet here we are, seated in a literal abandoned, haunted cemetery. After leaving that bookshop, we walked around the beautiful little bay town, looking at the gorgeous architecture and the houses in neighborhoods that I could only imagine have so many stories behind their shingles and within their walls.

We stopped to grab some food to which I begged for just McDonalds. Wren looked quite entertained and relieved at the ask and so we went, Wren getting me an Oreo McFlurry with a number seven mean, the two cheeseburger meal of course.

Once we've collected all the food and Wren shows that she brought us water bottles, she leads me down a few roads and through a very sketchy little mini-forest.

"Look, I know I can be annoying sometimes, but if you're taking me through these creepy woods to kill me, you should know that it's your responsibility to care for my cats."

My girlfriend–will never get tired of that–rolls her eyes dramatically at me and takes my hand,

"Taylor, Taylor. If I were to kill you, I certainly wouldn't do it in the woods of Long Island. And certainly not in the Summer. I'd at least wait until Winter so that I could use an icicle as the weapon. Once it melts, poof, no fingerprints or evidence. Case closed."

I stop sipping on my water and side-eye her, heavily. She raises an eyebrow at me when I stop dead in my tracks, staring at her with an open mouth, jaw dropped in concern at how thought out her plan to kill me is.

"Remind me to stay away from you in the winter."

Rather than ease my worries and new thoughts that Wren may actually have my murder all laid out, she just shrugs, giving my cheek a small little squeeze similar to that of your weird Aunt on the holidays, scrunching her nose down at me.

"It's so sweet that you think you could stay away from me."

My jaw falls even further, scoffing at her cockiness and the mischief behind her deep blue gaze. She just always has a way of catching me completely off guard. Not a second or day goes by where I don't absolutely adore the humor of Wrenley James Grant, even if it is at my expense.

"It's just right up here," Wren leads me through a clearing, her camera at the ready, snapping everything she could see.

I love seeing her like this, seeing her so in touch, so joyous. Even though where we are going is absolutely terrifying, she seems so giddy, and I love being able to share this with her. Something she really enjoys, even if it is scary, she likes horror.

When we reach the cemetery, however, it's less scary than it is absolutely beautiful. The gravestones are withered, vines growing up the worn stone. I walk up to one, absolutely amazed by it, dragging my fingers over the lifespan dates, the name, shaking my head in astonishment.

"This is insane."

"Right? Just left here, untouched, forgotten for over a century."

I can see her taking photos out of the corner of my eye, but she then sits on a patch of open grass, pulling out a blanket and the food from her bag, while I take a look around.

Treacherous (Taylor x Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now