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June has always fascinated me as a month in New York. It's not blistering heat, yet it's not quite spring's cool air anymore. It's somewhat in the middle, leading up to the scorching month of July.

I've been looking forward to my press tour for The Shallows and the fact that it's this month just makes it all the better. Promoting roles and films that I am proud of is always rewarding.

But with a press tour comes the stress of looking good, and I've spent a countless amount of time in the gym as of late. For the tour amongst other things.

Today's workout is a bit different than my usual, though. I haven't done it in a while and it seemed like the right time to get back into it.

I follow the choreography on the screen, enjoying how lively my whole body feels. Stepping, using my arms and core and legs all like my body is just a whole well-oiled machine, working as one, gears turning together in perfect unison.

Like breaking free, I can feel my body almost moving through time, traveling through a tunnel of vibrant colours, painting me with each emotion the song and the dance's story is telling, sharing with just me and myself.

Without even thinking on it, joints and muscles begin to flow on their own, forming minds of their own with each movement, guiding one another like a light in the dark, absorbing the instruments and vocals and amplifying it to their own cores.

It brings enough sweat out of me to probably fill a small kiddie pool, and it's refreshing to feel. Something about exercising and sweating incredibly vast amounts is so satisfying, it's as if my body is telling me that I did a good job, that I am working hard at my craft and it's all paying off.

Finishing up the two hour dance workout, I clean up, wipe down the mirrors, the mats from warm-ups, and I assure the floors are clean before heading out to my room for a quick shower.

As the water pelts my skin, I smile at the soothing feeling of the salty sweat just washing off my skin, trailing down to my toes until meeting with the water on the ground and swirling together down the drain.

It's like a new layer is revealed of me when I step out, clean, fresh, ready for the day.

I wrap my towel around my torso and head back to my room to prepare for my day until my phone buzzes.

Glancing down at it, I see Taylor's name readings across the screen for a FaceTime video call.

Clicking on the green circle, her face pops up and my heart does a little pitter-patter in my chest with the sight of her clearly just waking. Her hair is a little curly and it brings a smile to my face, her natural curls. It's gorgeous on her, truly. Any hairstyle is perfect on her.

It's not the type of curly that it had been in the past, at the beginning of her career, but it's wavy, her bangs especially, and I can tell she has her phone propped up on a pillow or something of the sort, her head on its side, a little white paw slapping at her cheek.

"Good morning," I grin and she grumbles, "Olivia, please."

Taylor shuffles, causing the phone to fall, mumbling out obscenities before she picks it back up, a stubborn little 'meow' being heard in the distance.

"Sorry, Dibbles is being fussy this morning. Hi," Her eyes are such an intense blue right now, the morning light complimenting its colour well.

"It's because she's pissed at you for never inviting me to meet her or her sister. Quite disrespectful if you ask me," I 'tsk' playfully at the woman as I rummage through drawers while she sighs dramatically.

Treacherous (Taylor x Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now