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A/N: Dog bit me at work today so enjoy this chapter :)

Wren POV

"So...about this weekend," Taylor trails off as we're in the car driving down to Rhode Island.

Raising my eyebrows curiously, lifting my gaze from my phone checking in on Florence, making sure she got home to London safely, Taylor has her hands on the wheel of her Toyota Sequoia, biting her lip nervously as I rack my brain of possibilities.

I'm already nervous as it is to go to this weekend long party. I've never celebrated the Fourth of July before, but from the research I have done, Taylor's Fourth parties are ones of legends. She's shown me videos and pictures from past ones and every single video or picture comes with a story wrapped around it.

All of her friends will be there, some of the biggest celebrities in the world. And while I have met and become friends with some, it's quite intimidating to just dive in head first to her circle.

It feels as though ever since we started doing what we've been doing, we've been living inside our own bubble.

That bubble is popping now, at least for a few days.

"Should I be worried?" I laugh anxiously, awaiting for her to tell me something crazy.

But she just shakes her head and shrugs, "No, well. I don't know, maybe I should be?"

Okay, now I'm really confused.

"Taylor, what is it?"

She sighs and taps her fingers on the wheel, "Cara's coming."


I click my tongue, reminiscing on the night we shared, the night Taylor and I never really discussed in detail. The night she left the bar crying.


"She's been my friend for a while and I know that you two...you know...so, I guess what I'm asking in a way is, should I be worried?"

Chuckling at her statement and question, I clear my throat, looking out at the flat roads we are on, desperately awaiting to see one of Taylor's other homes. We've been discussing this weekend for a few days now, and not once has she mentioned Cara. My guess is either she was hoping it wouldn't spook me off or that she didn't know Cara could come until this morning when we left after packing an obscene amount of alcohol and snacks.

"It was just a hookup, it wasn't anything serious. We both knew that going into it, just for fun. You have nothing to worry about, love. I promise."

Taylor stares ahead, thoughts rolling on through her brain. The questions are right on the tip of her tongue. I sigh, leaning my head against my hand as I prop my elbow up against the windowsill on the passenger side door.

"Ask your questions, I know you have them."

She stutters and frowns in a very see-through manner, "I-I don't have any questions."

"Babe, I can practically see the words in your breathing, what would you like to know? It's alright."

The singer glances down, turning the radio lower in volume and nodding to herself like she's preparing for some sort of world championship game, win or lose, all the cards out on the line.

"Why Cara? Why that night?"

Memories continue to swim behind my eyelids, seeing her and Tom laughing, them cuddling in the car, kissing in front of me, calling each other little pet names. It was the night I knew I had to do something or else I'd be screwed. I needed a distraction, someone to take my mind off the woman I thought was out of reach.

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