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Taylor POV

My thighs are sore the next morning. It's strange, even after having sex with people before, predominantly men, I've been sore, but this is a different type of sore. Nothing too crazy even happened last night, but my body has been holding all of this pent up anticipation and hunger for Wren that when it finally happened, I went into overdrive.

Everything just poured out of me and I gave into her touch.

Wren's still showering after I stole the first opportunity. Plus she decided to go for a morning run through the neighborhood to burn off the alcohol, so I've been downstairs making pancakes and eggs for everyone while Selena makes her appearance.

"Morning," I smile and she narrows her eyes at me skeptically.

"Good morning...you seem chipper."

"It's a good day."

"The day just started," She frowns, grabbing a mug and pouring herself some freshly brewed coffee.

My body stiffens slightly, sensing her putting the dots together. I try to focus on the food while Selena saunters on over, eyeing me down suspiciously, brown gaze trailing over every inch of me.

"You had sex."

Instantly, my eyes widen and the room grows in heat, exposing me and the blush streaking across my cheeks only pinkening more for her to see. Glancing around the kitchen, towards the staircase, I make sure the coast is clear before using the spatula to move more pancakes to the platter.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Selena squeals quietly and claps her hands with more excitement than I may even have this morning, especially given that it's the morning and I'm still exhausted from the night before. She grabs my forearm giddily,

"Oh my gosh! You two totally fucked, you're literally glowing!"

I shush her frantically, the eggs sizzling on the stove that I go towards but she raises her hands, "Nope, no, I got it. You just drink your coffee and tell me all about it. How was it? Was it everything you thought it'd be?"

Clamping my lips shut nervously, I touch the spot on my neck I covered with makeup this morning, moving my hands to where Wren left her mark all over me, shivering at the memory of last night, of how my body lit up, how she made me feel like the most gorgeous person alive.

"It was...magical," I whisper out, buzzing with the after-effects of last night, the remembrance of how good her fingers felt inside of me, the way Wren looked at me with all the care and grace in the world.

When I called her the morning after Tom and I first had sex, I complained, said it wasn't magical, and asked if it should be.

"What should I do? I can't tell with him. He's really sweet and I want it to work but, I don't know. Shouldn't having sex for the first time with someone you've been seeing be like...magical?"

"I don't know, Taylor. Has it felt magical, so to speak, with past lovers?"

"I don't know! I mean, maybe once or twice, but it depended on the person! I've felt butterflies before, I've definitely been in love, but looking back at some of them, all I feel is just anger and pain, like the good memories have all been stained with the bad taste they left, you know?"

I definitely felt more than just butterflies last night. Her melodious, harmonious, lyrical smile paired with those indigo eyes sparkling with golden flecks of stars for me to chart constellations in, reading the stories beneath her hot gaze.

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