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A/N: Sorry if this chapter sucks, I'm a bit high :)

Wren POV

"Who do you guys think put the alphabet in alphabetical order?"

Florence, Selena, Gigi, and I snap our heads over to Taylor who has been staring at the fire we're sat around on my back patio for the past hour or so. Florence frowns as she contemplates and I just break into a fit of eased laughter.

"You're just high, babe."

"No, no, I'm serious. Think about it, just, Wrenny, just think about it," Taylor weakly pats my arm, still in a daze, eyes glazed over completely, bloodshot with weed.

She only took a few hits but it's definitely hitting her hard. Selena, Gigi, and Florence joined in right after once Selena smelled the week, jumping in on the action. Right off the bat, Taylor showed herself as the type of high person that turns into a philosopher.

That, and she's a giggler.

I smile down at her, my body slumped on the outdoor couch, joint in one hand, other around Taylor's shoulders.

"I mean...I don't, I don't know. The Egyptians? Because they made the hieroglyphs and put them in order? I mean, I heard each ordered hieroglyph had numbers to them so maybe they ordered it with that?" My eyes cast upwards as if the answer is somewhere, my mind going deep into the thought now that Taylor brought it up.

"Huh...yeah, that makes sense. You're so smart," She scrunches her nose as she looks up at me, glazed eyes twinkling, reflecting both the stars and the flames in front of us.

My fingers move themselves, mindlessly brushing a few strands of her hair behind her ear, grazing over her cheek softly as I pull back, resting my hand again on her shoulder.

"Who cares about the bloody alphabet, you guys know the man that allegedly went to the moon? Neil Armstrong?"

I glance at Florence who is waving her finger in front of her, as if she were writing in the air. Selena chuckles and sips on her water,

"Yeah? What about him?"

"Neil A. backwards spells alien." She smirks devilishly, turning her head over to us, the fire illuminating her features from below, giving it that low light look used most popularly in horror movies.

"Oh my God! ALIEN! ALIENS ARE REAL!" Taylor jumps in her seat and I grab onto her arm before she falls into the fire, laughing as I pull her back, patting her shoulder as she huffs back on the couch.

"Easy there, killer. Your high ass is gonna fall into the fire."

She just starts giggling and smiling all cute-like up at me, "I like when you get protective of me."

I roll my eyes but my smile is evident, heart flipping in my chest as I take another hit, then pass it to Selena. She takes a good hit of the joint and passes it to Florence, then stands up, announcing she's getting the marshmallows Gigi bought for tonight from inside.

"Finally!" Florence cheers, grabbing Gigi's hand, dragging her along as she follows after Selena to get the graham crackers, chocolate, and the rods to roast the marshmallows on.

Taylor is sitting pretty, her head angled towards me despite her leaning back on the couch, cheek resting on her hand propped up by her elbow on the armrest of the outdoor sofa.

"Can I help you, darling?"

She lifts her shoulders and drops them, eyelids clearly heavy with the effect from the weed, a dumbstruck adorable grin on her face. Her lips part to release a short breath, head tilting as a crease between her eyebrows form.

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