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A/N: AYOOOOO hope y'all are ready for just a little peek into some spice. And by peek I really mean peek, spice will come, don't you fret ;) ENJOY!

The dining room is something you'd only see in big budget films. Floor to ceiling windows, gorgeous glass table with soft purple puff chairs, deliciously kind white lighting all around, brightening the entire room with simple ease.

Taylor is walking a few paces ahead of me and I noticed that she removed her shoes at the door like I did, something I feel like she must've done for my sake given she saw the embarrassing display I offered the first time she came to my flat.

She has shown me around in a quick little tour, both of us nervous and unsure how to act around one another. There were moments I wanted to hold her hand, but I'm still trying to gauge what she wants from me, what is okay, what is not, and I can only believe that she's battling the same war in her own mind.

"Let's uh...here," Taylor leads me into a room filled to the brim with wine and liquor. I stand in awe of it all, looking up to the top of it with wide eyes, "You're lucky New York doesn't really get earthquakes. One shake and this room would be done for."

The blonde looks over her shoulder at me with a small little smile, "Thank God for that. Cabernet?" She holds up a bottle of red and I nod,


She walks back out towards the kitchen and I follow her lead, watching as she uncorks the wine and groans, looking at a cupboard above the stovetop.

"I'm sorry, could you grab the glasses? They're right up there," She nods at the cupboard I followed her gaze to and with a quick nod, I head over to it, around the island and grab two glasses, gently placing them down in front of her on the countertop.

Taylor looks up at me and smiles that sweet sweet smile, "Thank you."

"Of course," I almost whisper back, feeling like I'm in some sort of trance, just holding our gazes, our faces being this close.

The singer's eyes flicker down briefly, a shaky little breath slipping out between her lips, smelling like the chardonnay from the restaurant, and it smells oh so delicious. Swallowing thickly, I take note of just how beautiful she looks right now, how the moonlight from outside the window only illuminates her eyes, sprinkling in stardust.

"Have I mentioned that you look absolutely beautiful tonight?" I say it with nerves lacing my tongue, trying out, testing the waters.

Taylor's smile only grows, placing the bottle down as she feels the heat of my gaze and takes in my words, looking away as her cheeks expose her with maroon colouration swimming to the surface, filling the glasses with our wine.

"I don't believe you have."

I don't know what has come over me, but I feel the confidence rising, seeing that I'm having some sort of effect on her. There's just something about Taylor that makes me so nervous. I'm normally so confident around women, but she throws me off, makes me stumble over my words, makes me blush, makes me feel like I'm back in grade school trying to impress my crush.

But it's coming back to me in bits and pieces, especially knowing how she has truly felt all along.

Clearing my throat and feeling that zing of aplomb of zest come back to me in waves, I reach my hand out, capturing her chin in my fingers with delicate ease.

I tilt her head back in my direction, forcing her gaze up to mine, a clear nervous panic in her eyes, the same type of panic she has always made me feel when she got flirty or close. It only fuels me further.

"You look absolutely beautiful tonight, Taylor."

Her lips part, a puff of air releasing, pupils dilating, that moonlight just reflecting right back into my own darker blue gaze.

Treacherous (Taylor x Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now