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A/N: AYOOO You know what to do :)

Wren POV

Smiling at Taylor's Instagram story of her with her parents gardening, it fills me with an ease of her finally leaving the house. That and it amazes me of how well her parents get along following their separation. Taylor doesn't speak on it much, but I know they're still so close and hangout, and that's something to admire about a family.

That and they got her to leave the cave she carved for herself back in New York.

My heart tugs nonetheless, wishing I could be there with her. Even though filming has been great, being apart from Taylor even though it's only been two weeks isn't easy.

Calls and texts are one thing, but I hate not sleeping beside her, not seeing the cats, not feeling her lips on mine, the way the sun just lights her eyes up even more than they already do when she smiles.

"Wren, next scene in five."

I glance up from my phone and nod, "You got it."

Standing up from my chair, I jump when I feel hands on my shoulders, Lily smiling at me deviously.


"Ha, ha. Very funny."

"Ooh, someone's grouchy today," She pouts whilst I shake my head, placing my phone with my things as we walk towards our marks.

"Not grouchy. Just a bit homesick is all."

Humming with a slow yet understanding nod, Lily sighs, "I get it. I'ven't been back to the UK in a while. I miss my Mum a ton."

Okay, so she doesn't really understand. Well, yes, I of course miss London, I meant my real home, the home that belongs to a pair of crystal blue eyes, brilliant blonde hair, and legs scarred by the claws of her feline children.

But I nod with her, "Right, yeah. Yeah, exactly."

"When we wrap filming altogether you should make a trip."

"Oh trust me, I am already planning on going on a trip."

We're called into our places, Lily and I in the diner, then we begin filming the scene, one we've done a few times but both of us keep wanting to do again to get it just right, find that sweet spot.

Today is a decently simple day, we don't need many takes for the scenes, it's like we all just flowed well, and thankfully nothing went wrong with any rigs or props, aside from one where I accidentally knocked a lamp over and repeatedly apologised to the props and set department as they fixed it.

Once they allow me to head off for the rest of the night, I immediately call the woman I've been yearning to talk to all day.

When her face appears, everything lights up in me and I smile in an instant.

"Ello doll," I greet giddily, to which she smiles.

"You seem happy."

"I am now."

"Did you have a bad day? What's wrong?"

Shaking my head with a long breath, I run my fingers through my hair and reveal a sheepish grin, feeling silly to keep saying these words like a clingy idiot.

"I just miss you."

But once she does that smile, the empathetic one that reads to me her mutual feelings, she nods.

"I miss you too, baby. So so much. Tell me about today, how was filming?"

"It was good, fast. We all hit our marks and cues. I knocked over a lamp and felt bloody terrible about it, but they brought in the backup in like five seconds which made me feel...well, dumb."

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