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A/N: Since I was mean last chapter for the fight...this is my way of making it up to you.

And just a warning for those that don't like smut: This is A LOT OF SMUT.

And very intense smut :D 

Taylor POV

"Mmph, fuck, baby," I whine aloud, my body feeding into the desires of the woman on top of me.

She's kissing down my chest, marking me all over, claiming me as hers, claiming the love we finally admitted. With each kiss and each breathy moan, the anger from earlier floats away, so much so that I forget why it even happened in the first place.

All of the silence and the patience of holding those three words in have built up to the moment, built on the anticipation, me pining after her, her pining for me, all lead us here.

My hands move up and down her back, dragging the white tee over her head and throwing it to the side, drinking her torso in, reaching for the sports bra on her chest, of which she happily takes care of for me, smiling down at me like she never has before.

"Wait," I whisper, placing my hand on her chest, pausing to smile down at her brilliantly sexy abs before I slip out from underneath her, leaving Wren frowning in confusion.

"Ello? I was creating a mood over here," She claims, gesturing her hands in a hovering fashion over the sheets I was just on.

Scrunching up my nose, I hold a finger up and giggle, "One second, darling. Figured you'd enjoy it if I brought these along."

I reach into my duffel and pull out two pairs of fur-lined handcuffs and Wren's strap she left at my place.

Her eyes marvel at them, mouth practically watering as she hums, "Wow I love you."

Oh god I will never get used to that. My heart thumps, room flickering in light for a moment as my breath gets taken from me.

Pulling me back to the moment, Wren takes my hand and gestures me back to the bed, kissing me mid-movement, humming into my mouth, her hand gliding to the back of my head, undoing the elastic holding my hair up and letting my hair fall freely, smiling into my mouth as she takes the items out of my hand.

When her teeth nibble on my bottom lip, my pussy instantly throbs, body heating up and head following her as she pulls on it, groaning when she releases her hold on it, the lip popping back into place.

"Lay down and put your hands above your head, doll," Wren's voice has dropped, the raspiness sending a wave of chills down my spine.

Her eyes have completely darkened, that sexy primal look in her eye that throws me right into the palm of her hand. Though, tonight I'm all revved up from that fight, and I'm feeling a bit more rebellious than usual.

Smirking through the dim lighting of the room, I tilt my head and blink up at her slowly.

"Make me," I purr and Wren's eyes flare instantly.

My heart flips in my chest, body on full alert when she pushes me down roughly, bed creaking once my back hits the mattress. Wren's face hovers above mine, eyes narrowed daringly, hands gripping my wrists and pinning them above my head.

"Trying to be cute, are you?"

My breathing becomes thicker, faster. Swallowing, I lick my lips as I look at the way her breasts are hanging from her chest, nipples fully erect as I breathe out.

"You're the one who said I couldn't take you, thought I'd give it a shot."

"I'd like to see you try, love."

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