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A/N: OKAY I AM NOT A GAYLOR OR A KAYLOR BUT GUYS WHY IS KARLIE AT THE CONCERT TONIGHT?? I also giggled bc she's not in the tent BAHAHA sorry. But WHAT IS HAPPENING? (Need to say again that I am NOT a Gaylor or Kaylor but I'm JUST THROWING IT OUT THERE that Dianna Agron has the opportunity to do the funniest fucking thing right now...Also she'd for sure be in the tent.)

Anyways, enjoy :)

Taylor POV

I cautiously walk into Wren's home, removing my shoes, after her security guard let me in, telling me she's in her office. She's been holed up in her office for days. Something about meetings about and going over recordings of some sort for an animated movie that I of course did my research on.

It's called Sing, the trailer was released not too long ago and I picked up on Wren's voice instantly. I know that rasp anywhere, but what I didn't know, is that she could fucking sing.

And that's the first thing I hear when I get closer to her office.

"Got the glue in my hands and stickin' to the plan,

Stickin' to the plan that says

I can do anything at all,

I can do anything at all,

This is my kiss goodbye

You can stand alone and watch me fly,

'Cause nothing's keeping me down

Gonna let it all up

Come on and say right now, right now,

Right now"

I walk inside with my jap dropped, mouth agape from the blessed vocals that just reached my ears. Wren spots me and instantly panics,


She pauses the music and stands up, stumbling as she makes her way around her desk, holding my shoulders with an uneasy smile but I can only stare at her in shock.

"Was that your voice?"

"Taylor! What are you doing here?"

"Play more, I wanna here!" I exclaim, trying to walk to the computer but she shoots her arm out in front of me, forming a blockade in front of me with wide eyes and circles of blush on her cheeks.

"Nope, not gonna happen."

"Wha–why not? You sound amazing!"

Wren stutters, catching me when I try to step further, pretty much sprinting around her desk again and blocking the screen, clear fear lacing her vision.

I don't think I've ever seen her this anxious before. She's basically hugging the monitor, chest heaving up and down while I take a careful step forward, tilting my head with a gentle approach.

"Why are you so scared? Babe, your voice is incredible. You never told me you could sing."

She shakes her head furiously, back and forth as if trying to knock her own head off.

"I never told you because I don't. My singing is for me and my shower only."

With ease, trying to appease the tension that's growing, I reach across the desk and take her hand. My girlfriend licks her lips, reaching her other hand behind her head and scratching her growing in hair, the brown in it beginning to show. She scratches a lot, a telling sign of her anxiety aside from her usual playing with rings like me.

"Hey. What's going on? This is for Sing, right? Why won't you show me if it's going to premiere in December for the whole world?"

Her head shoots over to me, staring at me like the answer is the most obvious one in the world, but I can't seem to see it, not for the life of me.

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