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A/N: HEYOOOO! Bit of a shorter chapter because I'm about to fall asleep but wanted to upload so enjoy!

Wren POV

In no way could today have been real. Not only did Taylor ask me to dinner, but she told me the one thing I was in denial of this entire time. She likes me.

Sure I've had my fair share of women in life, short relationships, flings, hookups, life-ruining breakups, but never have I ever thought that a woman I was so clearly pining over since our first encounter would admit she had feelings for me, especially not a woman I previously thought was straight as a pin.

Yet here we are, dancing in her New York townhouse, no shoes, just socks, like there's no tomorrow, like the sun may not rise if we part.

But there is another day, and tomorrow is a big day for me.

And I have to go home and rest soon to be prepared. It's already past midnight and Christi will arrive with my team at 6 am to prep for interviews and the premiere.

Part of me wants to ask Taylor to join, but I know it's too much too soon. As much as I'd absolutely love to have someone by my side tomorrow, asking the woman I just kissed for the first time tonight to be my date is far too forward.

After finishing our wine, I begin to bid my farewell, taking my shoes from the front door while Taylor smiles sadly.

"I really wish this night would never end."

"Me too, love, but I've got a long day tomorrow. As I am sure you do."

She hums and raps her fingers on the wall, "Meetings, recording studio, hiding from the public eye. The new normal."

I can see the way her eyes dim, the sadness falling over her, and I make a note to check in on her tomorrow, knowing that the video will drop soon and things will only continue to get worse. My heart aches for her. Despite our night of wonder and magic, I can see it was a good night of distraction for her, a night away from seeing the headlines, the trending hashtags wishing for her to disappear, and I only grow more worried and angry at the man and woman causing all of this turmoil for her.

"You know I am here when you need me, right? Always."

Taylor blinks slowly up at me, a small sense of disbelief, but a breath of relaxation.

"Thank you. Really. But you should focus on your big day. I'll be rooting you on in spirit, I know the film will be great, you're a rockstar," She winks at me, that facade rising back up.

I prolong the eye contact, trying to see any falsities or any indication that she wants something else, needs something else, but she breaks the gaze first, clearing her throat and taking a step closer.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow?" Her voice emits true wonder, hope, the walls giving me a window ever so briefly before she goes up on her tiptoes and places a gentle kiss to my cheek, lighting a fuse in me and twirling my insides like ribbons in the sky.

"Yes ma'am."

She grabs my hand before I leave, holding a finger up as she opens her phone, looking over some live feeds of outside her place, security cameras, checking if the coast is clear. Once she nods and smiles up at me, I feel my chest fall, happy to hear that cameras aren't waiting to attack me the second I step foot outside, and she opens the door.

Before I leave, I grip onto her wrist and pull her closer, smiling at the little gasp she releases as I lean in, connecting our lips in a quick yet hard kiss, a final seal on the night.

"That's a nice way to finish the night."

"Just something to remember me by," I smirk, absolutely thrilled at the blush instantly rising to her cheeks and surprised yet clearly turned on expression she responds with.

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