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A/N: Attendance Time!

Wren POV

"That's a wrap for the day! Thanks guys, see you in the morning."

I collect my things from my little chair once I step off the set, wiping my clothes clean from the dirt, walking off the soreness in my leg from falling earlier during a stunt. Taylor may kill me for that one.

When I film, I prefer to do most of my stunts by myself. Rarely will I ask for a stunt double unless it's truly something I know I cannot do, but this film I could certainly pull off, even the driving.

Giving that I did all the stunts myself for The Shallows, Scream 4, and for Suicide Squad, I'm confident in my abilities to perform well enough. It's only day two of filming, we spent the first few days of the week gathering everything, doing the table reads, tweaking scripts, and Lily and I spent some time with Edgar Wright, our director, reading over some lines.

We were supposed to do a chemistry test but once we first saw each other and fell into such easy conversation, Edgar said the test wasn't needed, that we're the perfect filming match. Much to our satisfaction since we have been distant friends for some time.

They also had to map out everything and get the paperwork in order to close off four major highways of Atlanta, so that put a slight delay in everything, but gave the whole cast time to hangout.

Much like tonight.

Being back working is a breath of fresh air. I hate sitting around for so long doing nothing. Though, I can't complain since this break I had I got to get the woman of my dreams to be my girlfriend, but acting, being around actors, it's nice to do that again instead of just carpets and interviews.

Jamie Foxx, Eiza González, Jon Hamm, Lily, and I are heading out to the bars tonight.

"You may have to hold my hair back tonight," Lily says, to which I snort as we head into our hotel.

"How smashed are you planning to get?"

"I think the real question here is how smashed am I already? I started drinking hours ago with Jamie, we were waiting for everyone else to finish up, got impatient."

Laughter vibrates out of me as I hit the elevator button, allowing her to enter first and hitting our floor.

Jon Hamm, Eiza and I were the last people doing our scenes together, along with Kevin who...gives me the creeps, and the other Jon who couldn't join us tonight for he has to head to his room early to call his children which we all of course understood.

"Guess I gotta play a game of catch up then, yeah?"

"Oh absolutely, gotta drink at least three pints before we go."

I breathe out a light chuckle as we head up, feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket. Pulling it out, I smile when I see the blonde's name pop up for a phone call.

The doors to the elevator open as I slide my finger across the screen to answer, "Ello, love."

"Hey! I thought you'd be filming so I was going to leave you a cute voicemail." Her voice emits slight disappointment, to which I scoff at playfully.

"I could hang up if you like and decline the next call."

"No, no! I'm glad you answered. Are you taking a break?"

"No, we wrapped a bit earlier tonight, still got some ducks they need to get in a row for tomorrow. Stunts and all, the car rigs."

Lily and I head to our rooms and I signal to her I'll be ready in a few before heading into my room, switching the call to FaceTime and smiling at my girlfriend's gorgeous face as I prop her up on the dresser so I can sort through clothes for tonight.

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