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A/: Surpriseeee :)

Wren POV

"I cannot believe that is what you told me about! Your nose should be broken," Florence snorts as the server brings over another round of drinks for us at the pub we're seated in.

The laugh makes its way out of me as I sip on my beer, forcing its way up my nasal canal and nearly spurting right out of me.

"I thought it was. Hey, maybe it could've knocked my nose back in place," I joke, rubbing the little knick in my nose, body shuddering at the memory staining the back of my eyelids with every blink.

Flo smiles but looks at me knowingly, reaching over to touch where the bridge of my nose healed and poking it gently, "I like it. Adds more character. And it's a good reminder of how far you've come. All jokes aside, I really am proud of you, Wrenny. Considering you've started out doing a paper route and working at a corner store at thirteen to now walking the red carpet at your own premieres with an Oscar under your belt. I'd say you've come a long way. And I am proud to say I had the honour of watching that growth happen."

Her words bring me back. The paper route. The corner shop. It all started when the owner of the shop caught me stealing. I was desperate for milk and eggs, we just needed some food. Mum and Dad had gone on another bender and left me to fend for myself. But I was just a kid, I shouldn't have to fend for myself.

But he caught me one day. I expected him to be angry, like how Dad was when he would see me take a piece of bread just to make a sandwich. But he wasn't.

"You're Jack and Alice's little girl, aren't ya?"

My body is frozen in place. I have two options. I could break free of his hold on my arm by kicking him in the crotch like I've seen Mum do to Dad when he gets all angry with her and make a run for it, or I could take the consequences of my thievery head on.

The man is standing over me, an unforeseeable look in his brown eyes, fear washing over me as I come to the conclusion that he'd catch me if I tried to break free. No point in running. I'm done for.

"Y-yes," I mutter, fear lacing my tongue as my eyes drop to the ground, holding the milk and eggs up in surrender.

He glances down at the grocery items and clicks his tongue, releasing his hold on me and sighing, "Follow me, kid."

Oh God. He's going to hurt me. I'm going to be killed and my parents will be left to starve. I'm screwed.

Reluctantly, I follow him and he clears his throat as he steps behind the counter, waving me over, a hint of a soft smile on his face that forces a confused frown onto mine.

"Ever had a job before?"

I shake my head.

"Well, if you want to purchase food and drink, I have a spot open for a worker. You could help me restock when we get new shipments, work the register, keep the place tidy, and keep away little thieves such as yourself." He wags his finger at me, a playful glimmer in his eyes and it's the first sense of kindness I've come across from an adult outside of school in a while.


"Sure thing, little lady. You'll make a little cash. And I'll tell you what, we have connections to the paper here, I could also get you a job for a paper route if you're looking to reel in more money. You got a bike?"

One I got from a landfill and fixed up myself. Not much, but it gets the job done, and gets me to the library.

I nod.

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