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A/N: AYOOOO Two in one day bitches

Enjoy sickos ;)

Taylor POV

I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.

I don't want her to go.

I don't want her leaving me.

"Oh Deb-o-rah, always look like a zeb-o-rah." Wren mutters the lyrics while her face is buried in her script. She's been doing that this entire time, looking at it, then away, then huffing frustratedly when she tries to go off-script but forgets.

I snicker and look at the lines she highlighted for me with the second copy of the script, reading for Debora's part.

"A zeb-o-rah?" I question and Wren shrugs, smiling all cutely as she glances up at me in character.

"Like a zebra, I guess." She shrugs and I hum, reading the lines as I speak.

"Hey, I guess I am wearing black and white so, you can call me Deeb-ra."

Wren chuckles and grabs an invisible extra iPod, "I actually think I got that one on here."

I watch as she falls into it, utterly becoming the character, falling into this shy but mysterious character named "Baby" who's just meeting this waitress she's crushed on for some time.

"What? How many of those do you have?" I smile and Wren shrugs, looking between the two invisible iPods.

"Well I got different iPods for different days and different moods."

Slowly nodding, my eyes scan over the paper, mentally laughing at how adorably cute this scene is and humming, "Oh...and you're in a pink and glittery mood."

My girlfriend's eyes thin with a joking little smolder and quirked eyebrows, "I am now" she says flirtatiously and it brings a laugh right out of me.

"What is your name?" I say almost dreamily and she just blinks slowly with that charming little smile of hers, "Baby."

It's incredible how well she pulls off an American accent, especially one with a subtle southern twang to it.

Continuing on with it, I watch as Wren starts to lower her script, feeling it just coming to her, fully becoming enthralled with the film she's leaving to shoot for tomorrow. Not to mention we're a few glasses of wine deep and just finished the lasagna Wren actually allowed me to help her cook. And by help I mean that she let me sprinkle the parmesan cheese on after.

A win's a win.

After the scene comes to a close, Wren sighs, leaning her head back and chuckling,

"This film's gonna be so fun to make."

I smile at the love she clearly has for her job, and I grow more excited for her to make the movie, even though I am dreading her leaving. I love seeing that spark in her eyes, the passion she has for what she does.

"You're going to be amazing, baby."

She hums a smile in my direction and reaches for the glass, crawling on the tiled floor over to me, giving me a quick little peck and settling in front of me, sipping the wine and sighing as she puts it down, latching her grasp around the creases of my knees.

Before I can question it, she tugs me closer, making me yelp in surprise, but she doesn't give me time to fully react, she just presses her lips to mine fully and I melt into it.

"I'm going to miss you," She breathes out between kisses and my heart aches in my chest, not wanting this night to end, not wanting to face the early morning sun where Wren will be leaving.

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