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Wren POV

"Oh! Oh! One Tree Hill!" Selena claps her hands as she stands up, screaming the answer to Gigi's round of Charades.

The model squeals and nods, tossing the paper in the discard bin before waving me up.

"Oooh, Wren's turn! This should be good, Oscar winning actress Wren Grant gracing us with her presence," Taylor grins up at me, the large glass of water Selena forced into her hand.

Ever since our little rendezvous in the bathroom, we've all begun to wind down for the night, including drinking water and devouring more food to sober up a bit. And now we're playing charades.

Giving the blonde a look, she just scrunches her nose up at me with a teasing little smile while Ryan scoffs,

"I'm an actor too, you know."

Blake smirks, "Maybe so, but I don't see any Oscars on our shelves."

Ryan glares at his wife, "Oh yeah? I don't see one with your name either."

The whole room breaks into echoing laughter and my whole skin tingles with some sense of being found. So far since getting here today, I've felt like I've made ten plus more friends. Gigi followed me on Instagram, gave me her number, Selena and I took a bunch of photos together, Martha, Ruby, Cara, and I went down the waterslide together about fifty times. Ryan and Blake kept striking up conversation with me, exchanged numbers with me and even said they want to have Taylor and I over for dinner sometime. Then Ed posted a SnapChat video of us taking shots together, hugging me and announcing that I'm his new "pal" which made me laugh.

And then there's Taylor. We've been trying to keep it low-key, but every single time our eyes lock it's like we share these secret moments, no matter how crowded the room is. And most of the people here have no idea about us.

It's like we're playing a game that no one else knows they're a part of.

"Alright, alright, no competition...even though I do have an Oscar, that is true," I wince dramatically while Taylor and everyone gasp with laughter as I bend down to pick up the paper for my turn.

I read what I have to do and smirk down at it. Of course it's the one I wrote.

"Hmmmm..." I tap my chin then hold up two fingers.

"Two words," Cara says, intensely narrowed into the game.

"First word," Taylor nods in intrigue, her eyes boring into me with heated focus. Este Haim snorts as she takes photos of all of us, recording a video on top of it while I start to do pirouette turns.

Taylor gasps, "Turning! No, Spinning!"

Shaking my head with laughter, I turn again and side step, grand plie, then pirouette again. Everyone starts to speak but Taylor shouts, "DANCE!"

Trying to keep my laughter contained, I nod and give a thumbs up, then think quickly, pulling my arms up, acting as if I'm rocking a baby in my arms, cooing down at the pretend infant.

"Dance baby?" Selena quips.

I shake my head.

"Dirty Dancing!" Danielle guesses, to which everyone looks at her with raised eyebrows.

"What? The character's name was 'Baby.'"

Snorting, I shake my head and Taylor jumps to her feed, a giddy smile dancing on her face as she jumps up and down, "Dance Moms! It's Dance Moms!"

Treacherous (Taylor x Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now