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A/N: You know what to do :)

Taylor POV

"Oye! Bloody fucking, little shit fucker, piece of rubbish ass cumrag."

I rub my eyes of sleep as I wake to my British girlfriend cursing obscenities from across the room. Blinking the blurriness away, I bend over to grab my bag, reaching into the side pocket for my glasses and slipping them on, watching as Wren holds her toe with an angry pout.

"Are you okay?"

"No! Bloody dresser just assaulted my toe! Look!"

Wren shoves her foot near my face and I reel back, scrunching up my features as I sigh, "It's too early for this. Hold on."

I take her foot into my hand and squint through my glasses at the foot, seeing that it's just a little red on her pinky toe.

"By the dresser assaulting you, are you telling me you just stubbed your toe?"

Wren scoffs and takes her foot back, huffing as she adjusts the towel around her.

"Don't add 'just' in like that as if I'm being dramatic, it hurt!"

"I'm sure it did, but sweetheart, dressers don't attack people," I chuckle, sliding out from under the covers myself, grabbing towels from the little shelf whilst my girlfriend mumbles and whines behind me.

"My pain is real," I hear her say, to which I laugh and shake my head, turning back to her.

"Do you want me to kiss your boo boo?" I joke, tilting my head with a faux-sympathetic smile.

I wait for her to roll her eyes and trudge off, getting dressed for her day, but instead she flashes me a toothy little grin and props her foot up on the bed again.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do."

"Seriously?" I frown, looking from her to her foot and repeated.

My childlike girlfriend sticks with that toothy grin, rocking her foot from side to side patiently. Joke's on me for thinking she wouldn't want me to kiss her little stubbed toe, I forgot I'm dating a twenty eight year old that doubles as a preschooler.

With a sarcastic little grin, I bend down and kiss her foot, right where she stubbed it and give her foot a light little squeeze. While I may be feigning irritation and seeming as though I think she's ridiculous, I love how cute she is right now, and I love that as soon as I kissed it, she seemed to be completely cured afterwards.

"Better?" I question and she shrugs shyly.


"Good. When do you have to be on set?" I ask, leaning against the bathroom's door frame, watching as Wren undresses and grabs loose clothes to wear since she'll have to change anyways the second she goes down.

"Mmm, 'bout half an hour. I usually try and get there a few before my call time though so I can quickly run over some lines and get situated."

Nodding, I smack my lips together as I watch her slip a shirt over her scratched up back, biting down on the tip of my tongue lightly as I push it to the side of my mouth, satisfied with my work.

"Sounds good. You're gonna eat something before you go?"

Wren glances up in thought, nodding her head side to side before shrugging.

"Don't really have enough time but it's alright. You should eat though, take your time. They know who you are but I'll make sure you're granted access, they'll give you a lanyard once you get down there."

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