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A/N: So sorry I've been MIA. Updates will come a bit slower as my work schedule has gotten heftier and grad school work as well! But I'm here!

Hope you enjoy :)

Wren POV

I stare down at the video Taylor sent me from the music video, a shot she must've had them download and send her but I can't help but close my legs together while I bite down on my bottom lip in torture.

Taylor Alison Swift:

"Fucking ay," I breathe out

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"Fucking ay," I breathe out.

"Fucking ay what?" Florence jumps behind me and I scramble to not drop my phone, fumbling with the device until I slap it down on the table, screen down.

"Jesus, did Taylor send you a nude or something?"

"Something like that," I respond with, smirking as I take a swig of my beer, people cheering at the London Broncos rugby game playing on the screen after they got yet another try. I clap along, trying to ignore the teasing grin of Florence placing down another round of shots on the table.

"I think it is quite rude of my own girlfriend to bar me from being at her music video set."

"I think it is quite smart of her for two reasons. Reason one: she likes a good build up to the sack. Reason two: if anyone were to see you two together, cover blown." Lily shrugs and I roll my eyes, but still hum in agreement nonetheless.

"So, tomorrow. We're meeting at Mum's, she's making a roast, so come hungry."

"I'm always hungry."

"She knows that, it's why yours will have double the meat on it."

Deb's roasts. I nearly start salivating at the thought, and my body begins to buzz with excitement. I haven't seen them in over a year. We talk every now and then over the phones when we can, but seeing them in person? Introducing them to the most important person in my life? Almost like I'm introducing her to my family.

And in a way, I am.

But in another way, I only wish I had the family Florence and Taylor both do. Blood family. That my parents cared enough to want to cook my girlfriend and I a roast, let alone care enough to pay the heat bills in the winter.

"Ello? Earth to Wrenley. What are you thinking about?" Florence waves her hand in front of my face and I blink back to reality, meeting her soft greens.

My lips begin to form the words.

I go to say "I'm going to see my mum" but nothing comes out. Something yanks the letters back, grips onto my tongue.

Florence and I are in a good place. If I were to tell her before I went, she would never let me go, she's probably lock me in a room, convince Taylor not to let me do it.

Treacherous (Taylor x Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now