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Wren POV

All I wanted to do was go for a bloody run. I have to keep in good enough shape for Baby Driver that I leave to shoot for just a week from now. But these paps are all over me. Even Griffin is having difficulty keeping them at bay.

"Did Taylor and Tom break up?"

"Did she pay you to defend her?"

"Do you regret defending Taylor?"

"Why would you defend someone like Taylor Swift?"

"Wren! Is Taylor pregnant?"

The last comment makes me stop dead in my tracks. I turn my head to the man who meets my eyes, seeing the flaring anger surging through me at his incredibly offensive comment and inappropriate question.

"What'd you say, mate?"

He tries to get a good grip on his camera, Griffin coming over to keep him away as he shrugs, "I just...lately she's looked like she could be and she hasn't been spotted in public as much."

"Miss Grant," Griffin mutters, trying to keep my anger down but I only grow more furious, taking strides towards him.

"You better watch that mouth of yours, mate. That is a wildly inappropriate thing to ask someone."

Now that I've stopped my run, they all close in more and more, asking ridiculous questions about Taylor, our "friendship", Kim and Kanye.

"Wren, what are you listening to? Kanye?"

"Being Taylor's friend will ruin you now, you know!"

"Is your friendship with Taylor just a PR stunt? Did her team pay you?"

I look all around me, starting to feel panic rising at the bright flashes even in the daylight. The cars zooming by on the road not far from here all start to become blurry masses. Bystanders stop to watch, taking out their camera phones.

My hands begin to build with sweat and Griffin places his hand on my lower back, leading me away, keeping a protective arm out as we aim for the car. That's my life now, my driver and bodyguard has to follow me on my outings if I'm alone, the car always prepared nearby in case of need of a quick evasion.

And in this case, it's needed.

My head shakes furiously as I try and ignore their dumb words, but all I can feel is the anger and frustration, the complete absurdity of the audacity they have to pick and prod at someone's private life.

"You should all be ashamed of yourselves, you pathetic morons," I spit, finally allowing Griffin to take me away.

Once we get into the car, he sighs, "Are you alright?"

"I'd feel much better if you had let me punch one of their lights out."

"Christi wouldn't feel better if I let you do that."

"Who cares what Christi thinks? They all deserve a good smacking around!" I grumble, folding my arms over my chest while he just breathes out a light chuckle, clearly enjoying my emotional outburst.

"Are we going to Miss Swift's place today?"

I stare out the window, then down at my phone, wondering if I should call Taylor and ask if she wants me over or not. As I do so, opening our messages, a phone call from her pops up.

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