Chapter 52

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Also, for no reason in particular, just because I'm curious...does anyone here like the show Legacies? If so, I sort of have ideas for a new story....a Hope Mikaelson x female OC story. Nothing concrete, but was formulating ideas and jotting shit down, sort of just came to me because I love Hope so much and desperately need more sapphic Hope stories or Hope stories in general. 

ANYWAYS, my top TTPD songs of today are:

1. Guilty As Sin?

2. So Long, London

3. I Hate It Here

My tops change every day, so today these were my tops :)

Enjoy the chapter! Or not, idk.

Taylor POV

All over my socials are people posting about me being "missing". No one knows where I am. Some think I am just sneaking around New York or LA unseen, some think I've quietly retired, some think I'm dead, and a lot are hoping I never come back.

Some fans are worried, scared, even. And I make sure to take a few minutes every so often to interact with them on Tumblr, but I don't do much else online, besides see every single tweet or post being one describing me as wretched, a liar, fake, untalented, ugly, fat, horrible, a slut, you name it, it's there.

My hands work on the scrambled eggs on the stove. I stir them a bit more, flip some bits until I hear feet coming down the stairs. The air in my lungs tighten as I stifle a yawn and start distributing the eggs, toast, and bacon onto two plates.

Wren appears around the corner and looks at me shyly, awkwardly, "Morning."

I notice the way her eyebrows are scrunched together, one eye slightly closed.

"There's Advil on the counter for you. Figured you'd be hungover." I gesture, bringing over a glass of water for her and orange juice for myself.

She rubs her lips together, cheeks turning pink as she clears her throat, "Thanks."

"Mhm," I respond, sitting across from where I put her plate on the table.

Her eyes move over to me as she takes the pills and plops down in her chair, toying with her food and eating it as if her life depends on it. It's the first meal I've had since she walked out two nights ago, so I do eat some, but I can't eat it all.

Last night she apologized, we talked, but she was drunk. Not only did she drown her issues in alcohol and disappear, she smoked nearly an entire pack of cigarettes when she promised me she would quit. She had the patches and everything, she was doing so well, only having one cigarette every so often but she cut back. This feels like a huge leap right back down the steps where she started from.

As we eat in silence, I grow more and more tense watching her. My eyes scan over every area of skin, double checking Alice really did take care of her and didn't hurt her while she was too drunk to remember.

Wren waits for me to not touch my food for long enough to know that I'm done and she sighs, "You barely ate half."

I shrug, "Don't have much of an appetite."

"Well you need to eat. Can you at least finish the toast?"

Staring at her, then down at the buttered toast, I scoff and eat it, narrowing my eyes at her.

"There, happy?"

She takes my plate and goes into the kitchen to do the dishes, her back to me as she scrubs, "I'm waiting."

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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