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A/N: You know what to do :)


Girls' Night Out! Gigi Hadid, Emma Stone, Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, and Wren Grant!

We Think Selena Gomez and Wren Grant are Dating...Here's Why.

Wren Grant Holding Selena Gomez's Waist In Public! After Recent Speculation Around the 'Hands To Myself' Singer's Sexuality, We Think a New Couple Has Launched.

A NYC Girls Night With a Date Hidden Between The Lines? Wren Grant Walks With Hand on Selena Gomez's Lower Back on Way to Bar With Friends!

Taylor POV

"Oh you've got to be kidding me," I scoff, showing everyone the article I just clicked on.

Selena and Wren lean in, squinting at my phone until they read the headline, the one of many claiming they're now dating, scoffing as they lean back.

"Bloody hell! Selena almost fell trying to get away from the fools so I stepped in to help her." Wren rolls her eyes with a frustrated little huff that makes me hide my forming smile, not wanting to show her I'm entertained by her little fit.

Gigi brings over the last coffee and slumps down next to Emma, shaking her head, "They're relentless. But hey, at least they're not catching on to you guys, right? Means you're doing something right."

While we both nod in agreement, I can't help but feel a bit guilty, especially seeing the disdainful downward pull to Wren's lips even if just for a brief moment. I know she keeps telling me it's fine, and us being a secret does give us a one-up on the media, but it's hitting me now that there will still be articles, rumors of Wren dating other people.

Selena, for example, while she's never publicly stated her bisexuality, she's been pretty silently open with it, and of course last night with Wren walking so close to her, protecting her, it would seem that they were together instead of me who was walking ten feet ahead of my own girlfriend.

All because we're a secret.

It's been working, even if a few fans are teasing me about it online, no one is taking the words as truth because, well, the whole world views me as a serial dater of every man I meet. Heteronormative society strikes yet again, but they're all too clueless to ever think I was any sort of gay.

And now Wren's getting pulled deeper and deeper into my web.

"I mean, hey, I could do a lot worse than Miss Gomez over here," Wren smirks at my best friend, to which negates my worries nearly altogether and instead brings me to give her a swift kick to the shin with my bare foot.

She gasps and looks at me wildly, "Bloody fucker! That qualifies as abuse, you know."

Shooting daggers at her while Selena "awes" and drapes her arm over Wren's shoulders, kissing her cheek and smirking at me deviously, I can only sit in defeat while everyone, still filled with exhaustion and a hangover from last night in Wren's living room laughs.

"The new 'it' couple, everyone! Wrenlena!" Emma cheers, to which my girlfriend and Sel lift their mugs of coffee up to cheers and I huff in my spot, crossing my arms over my chest.

My girlfriend tilts her head at me, clicking her tongue before sighing and moving to sit beside me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and peppering my face with sloppy kisses, minty toothpaste residue in her breath mixed with coffee.

Being the grouchy person I am both in the morning and with the situation, I try to peel myself away from her, attempting to keep the stubborn pout on my face but Wren just squeezes tighter and continues on with her fast kisses.

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