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A/N: AYOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Enjoy you little freaks ;)

Apologies for the last half of the chapter, though. :) kind of.

Taylor POV

"Fuck, Wren," I whimper as her lips attack my neck.

Our hands fumble for one another's clothes, removing shirts until just bras remain, stumbling into my bedroom, kicking our shoes off with rushed breaths, feeling as though we are drunk on one another. The train ride back, then the car ride home pent the both of us up so much.

She was practically squirming in her seat after what I whispered in her ear, muttering frustratedly about the people around us, willing the train to go faster. It didn't help when we got stopped in Penn Station for autographs and pictures.

Watching her so incredibly horny while in public made my body shiver with anticipation, impatiently awaiting our return to feel her all over me, claiming me as hers in our own kingdom.

"Sit down," Wren husks as she peels back from my lips, her blues darkened with clouds of lust and demand, hand wrapping around my neck with a pressure and grip that makes my legs quiver.

Swallowing thickly, a heat forming between my thighs, little heartbeats quickening in pace, I nod obediently, sitting myself down on the edge of my bed.

My mind twirls with thoughts on what she's doing to me, my body begging for her touch.

As she moves her hand delicately up to my chin, fingers gliding up my skin like the tides of the ocean, I shudder.

My hands shake in a way I can't explain until she begins to pull my shorts down to my ankles, each centimeter they fall, the heartbeat between my legs picks up even faster.

Her eyes lock onto my lace red thong-covered center, and my mouth goes dry, desperate for her to quench the thirst I have, fill the void of pure hunger within me. Wren maneuvers her hand between my legs, dragging her fingers over me, my mouth involuntarily releasing a needy whimper that causes her to look up at me, eyes fueled by pride and satisfaction.

I clamp my lips shut as she circles her finger right over where my clit is, legs trembling with desire while Wren only tilts her head cockily.

"Look at you, already wet for me, darling."

My muscles clench together, lips pulling into my mouth further to suppress the moan and restrain myself from giving her the satisfaction of seeing how easy it is for her to get me so submissive.

But I can't help it.

All it takes is one look, my name oozing from her lips, and I am putty in her swoon-worthy hands. I can feel how intensely I am dripping with arousal, utterly desperate for her next move to show itself, to pleasure me.

Her fingers hook around the strings of my thong, curling it down my legs and dropping it to my ankles, slipping it off me with my shorts and tossing the garments behind her, licking her lips when she looks straight at my wet folds.

"Do you want to go further?" She asks it with such gentility, such grace and respect, my heart begins to pound incessantly.

I just barely smile through my needy breathing, nodding furiously as I swallow, "Yes. Yes, please."

"Good," Wren grins and kisses my inner thighs, my hands gripping into fists with my comforter, toes curling.

My body jolts with surprise when I feel her teeth biting down on the soft skin, a yelp jumping out of me, trying to keep my breathing under control. The room begins to darken more so than it already has, the lights are off aside from the side table lamps and the streetlights filtering in through my windows.

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