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A/N: Heyoooo

Getting a workout in first thing in the morning has always been one of my favourite activities. It wakes you up, prepares you for the day, and is just refreshing. This time, however, I'm exercising in my own home gym, music blaring through the speakers at the top corners of the room, getting in my last leg of workouts that focus on my core.

I can feel beads of sweat trickling down my cleavage, my sports bra is damp at this point, leggings practically glued to my legs with how hard I've been going.

Ever since I saw Katrina the other week, I've been attempting to burn it out of my system. Taylor helped tons that night, but I haven't seen her since, much to my despair. After our time up on the rooftop, we didn't see much of each other the rest of the night until I bid her farewell.

We've texted a few times, but she has been busy with photoshoots, appearances, interviews, and I've been seeing pictures of her out with Adam lately, which has led me to believe they're trying to work things out or at least better their relationship.

I only have a few weeks left until The Shallows premieres, meaning I'll be drowning in press. I've been scheduled for interviews with Cosmopolitan, We Got This Covered, Good Morning America, E!, and the one I am probably most nervous yet excited for, Jimmy Fallon, along with a few more that my brain cannot quite keep track of.

Standing up once "Bad Blood ft. Kendrick Lamar" finishes, signalling the end of my workout, I take a screenshot of the song and send it to the singer,

Wrenley James Grant: Thank you for your services of

helping me get through a morning workout

Surprisingly, in seconds, I get a response.

Taylor Alison Swift: How could you workout right now? It's seven AM.

Wrenley James Grant: Never too early to sweat, darling

Taylor Alison Swift: That's what she said.

The snort bursts right out of me as I head out of my workout studio, shaking my head at the cliche innuendo of her joke. I walk up my steps, about to type until I see the three dots on my screen, waiting for a moment so as not to interrupt.

Taylor Alison Swift: I know your movie is coming out soon and

your schedule is probably about to get crazy sooooo,

would you like to grab coffee with me? Maybe some breakfast?

Totally cool if not! Just figured after a workout you might be hungry :)

Another thing I've noticed about the singer: she tends to act like no one wants to be around her. She'll always offer something and then make sure they know it's okay if they don't want to, as if reassuring that she understands if they don't want to hangout with her or do something for her.

It saddens me, in all honesty, mostly because I can relate, but also because that means she's had her fair share of manipulation or one-sided relationships. No one should feel like they are some sort of repellant. Especially not Taylor Swift.

Wrenley James Grant: I thought you'd never ask.

Taylor Alison Swift: YES! Okay, I'm assuming you want to

shower (that's me begging you to shower because you're

probably sweaty and smell) so I'll have my driver bring

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