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(update: Just edited the chapter to add in the pic of Flo and Wren as Ghostface and Drew's character in Scream)

Taylor POV

We've been running around my house all day making sure everything looks perfect. By now I think Wren has made at least three trips to the store and back, I'm sure the paps have loved every second of it, and by the time we needed a fourth, Florence had had enough and shouted at us to stop.

"You two are giving me a headache and I only just got here last night! Let's make a list for what we need, I will go to the store, and if there's anything we've forgotten then oops, oh well, guess that's that."

My girlfriend and I look at each other from our spots attempting to organize the bar and kitchen, then give in, agreeing with Florence.

"Okay, so, we still need limes for the tequila...you know, shots," Wren gestures and we all nod in agreement, Florence writing it down on a piece of paper.

"Brandied cherries, for Wren's Manhattans and Old Fashioneds." I quip, both of their heads turning to me, Florence slightly grimacing but a hint of happiness in her eyes, Wren just smiling at me sweetly, appreciative.

We list off other items, items Wren and Flo need for the dinner they plan on cooking for everyone, appetizers, and we've mostly covered all the snacks.

Once Florence had gone, I noticed Wren flipping through a script again, the same one she's had in her hands since she came over this morning.

"You've been very enthralled by that script, is it any good?"

She perks up from it, but her eyes are still trained on the script, "It's fantastic. Kind of a dark comedy, thriller, mystery thing. With a hint of gay, which is always a plus. Christi sent it over this morning. There are these two main characters, Emily and Stephanie. I really like the character of Stephanie, she's much different than my usual roles, quirky, shy, unsure of herself, but really grows into it and turns out to be kind of a psychotic badass which...is more similar to my usual roles. It's called A Simple Favor."

I glance over her shoulder at the lines she highlighted, which I am guessing are her lines, or lines for the character she wants, Stephanie.

"For some reason, that title sounds really familiar..." I trail off, sorting through the file cabinet in my brain until a lightbulb goes off and I literally shriek in place, making Wren jolt and drop the script, eyes wide and wild.

"Bloody hell! Why'd you do that?!"

"Sorry! Sorry! I just remembered why I know that title," I cup my hands over my cheeks, Wren raising an eyebrow at me impatiently, waving her hands out.

"Spill it then, c'mon."

My hand fumbles for my phone as I pull up mine and Blake's texts, clicking on the photos we've sent to one another recently until I come up to the one with a script, the same script that Wren is reading, though the lines for "Emily" are highlighted.

I show the screen to Wren and she shrugs, "Okay...who sent you that?"


I swear it's like slow-motion the way Wren's jaw drops. Her whole body practically catapults off the sofa until her feet land on the ground, standing upright, though I wouldn't consider it standing with the way she's jumping up and down.

"You're pulling my leg, tell me you're joking. Oh my god, this is fate! Oh Blake would be loads of fun to work with!" She grips the script hard in her hands, shaking her head in disbelief while I imagine visiting the set to see the two of them, seeing Ryan, spending time with James and Inez.

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