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A/N: You know what to do :)

ERAS TOUR MOVIE OCTOBER THIRTEENTH Y'ALL. I woke up a lil late today and the only AMC theater near me was sold out for opening night ): but I got IMAX Regal tickets, I'll just buy an Eras Tour bucket and cup on Etsy or sum oh well LOL

Anywayyyy enjoy!

Wren POV

I'm not ready for this.

The drive from the airport to Taylor's Mum's house is driving me crazy. First of all, I've never been to Nashville before, it's a lot like I imagined, very American. Stereotypical American, of course.

Farmland on one side and then the city right here, people playing for money on the side of the streets, beers in nearly everyone's hands, and a lot of plaid...like a lot. That also goes for the cowboy boots, that's a lot as well.

I can see the excitement on Taylor's face, just beaming and breathing in the Nashville air, her home.

Being in awe of her is an understatement. We grew up very differently, sure, but both of us have parents that are no longer together. Yet her parents seem to be insanely close, Taylor talks about them as if they are still together, and they always seem to be together, so that's where the difference is.

Two people who split up years ago still on great terms, still happy and holding their happy family together. It's incredible.

Only makes me wonder just what I'm in for.

I'm not used to a happy family.

Sure, I had the Pugh family, but that was different, everyone was always out working and doing things. I spent most of my time with Florence, Toby, and Granny Pat. Clint and Deb were often busy but we'd try to see one another when I came back for holidays from Uni. Raffie's practically my baby sister, seeing as she's still a fetus in my eyes despite being sixteen now, and Arabella had already been moved out for a minute even when I moved in.

I actually got her old room which put mine back at my old flat to shame.

But now I have to meet the parents of my girlfriend, the ones who raised her to be the spectacular being that she is, the ones Taylor has photos with all over her home and with her brother, the ones she gushes about to me, the ones who never showed her anything but love and care and support.

Not that I don't want to meet them, it's just that I'm terrified to.

They could take one look at me and decide I'm nothing but rubbish, that they liked one of her exes better, that I'm not fit to be with their daughter, I'm not deserving.

I have to impress them.

"Babe, I can see you freaking out from here. Just take a deep breath, it's going to be okay, they're going to love you," Taylor pulls me from my spiral, hand on my knee bursting the bubble of fear for a split second until I take a worrisome breath in.

"What if they don't? What if they hate me? I don't know what I'd do, I'll have to move away, I'll simply die," I start listing absurdities, to which makes my girlfriend laugh as she squeezes my knee lightly, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"You're going to be fine. I'll be there the whole time, and they aren't going to hate you."

"How could you be so sure? How are you so calm right now?" I shake my head, completely flabbergasted at the ease she has, how she could seem so relaxed, so unbothered while I am bursting at the seams.

Her head lifts from my shoulder, eyes meeting mine in a haze of calm, fingers brushing my cheek as she goes up to play with my hair, corners of her mouth twitching up softly.

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