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A/N: HELLOOOOO :) Y'all I would've updated last night but somehow...just somehow...my dab pen fell into my mouth and I got belligerently high to the point I watched conspiracy theory videos until like 3 am...

So that's on me. Well, it's actually on the dab pen that fell into my mouth :)


Taylor POV

I think it's safe to say that Wren has very much so won my parents over. She didn't even notice when I left the room to shower. By the time I came back downstairs, she and Mom were watching home videos, much to my absolute terror.

Pondering between rushing the television in a fit of disapproving shouts or watching from the entryway to see where it goes, I elect for the latter.

Mom is pointing out different things, Wren keeps laughing every single time I squeal in a video. One plays that the fans know of from the opening of "The Best Day" music video. It's the video of me claiming my pigtails are spiders and when Mom says I look beautiful, I respond with "Thank you, thanks for saying that."

It's one of my favorite home videos because it just sums up Mom and I's relationship so well. While I love my father, Mom and I just have this unspoken bond that everyone can see and feel. She's my favorite person on the whole planet. So is Wren, but in different categories, of course.

Dad has already gone home since it's getting late, but I just stand and happily watch as Wren chuckles at little me.

"My gosh she was adorable. Still is, of course, but wow."

Hearing her compliment me and gush about me when I'm not around is just...it hits different, you know? She has no idea I am standing right here, yet her and Mom are bonding over their love for me, which is something I never imagined happening with anyone in my life.

"Oh she was the cutest. Always so sweet and caring, never ever failed to show her gratitude for anything."

"I can safely say that trait has not gone anywhere. Every time I hold the door for her or pull out her chair she never fails to thank me. I keep telling her she doesn't have to every time, but she still does it anyway. I find it quite charming."

My eyes sting, fingertips humming with motions as if I'm turning the scene in front of me into a song, the way Wren's eyes shimmer as she talks about me, how her eyes crinkle the skin at the corners with her smile.

Mom turns to her and I slip behind the wall to avoid being seen, not wanting to interrupt a moment they're clearly having together. I glance at the decorative mirror on the wall of the living room, seeing the two's reflection as Mom takes Wren's hands into her.

Oh no.

"Wrenley, honey. I just wanted to thank you."

My girlfriend's clearly now nerve-wracked state takes over as she tilts her head curiously, that child-like shy smile on her face.

"How do you mean?"

Like rain on a roof, the emotions pitter patter onto my heart, tapping each section, each chamber as Mom sighs.

"I have never, and I mean never, seen my daughter so happy before. And it's all because of you. She's been through a lot, especially this year, but you're the one who's been keeping her head above water. Gosh, I was so worried about her a few months ago, she wasn't eating, wasn't talking to anyone, wasn't working, but then you came along and suddenly she eats a whole meal, even goes for seconds, she's smiling, socializing again, and is writing again. She was slipping away, but you caught her before she could swallow herself whole, you saved her. So thank you. Thank you so much, Darling."

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