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A/N: Y'all...this chapter boutta be long as FUCK. And I mean like double its usual. Normally I aim for around 4-5k words a chapter but this one is legit almost 11k LMAO

Sorry in advance :)

But also you're welcome in advance :)

You'll figure it out, ENJOY!

Taylor POV

My back smacks against the wall, Wren's lips plummeting into mine. Quickly, I drop my hold on my bags, Wren fumbling to lock the door behind us, her hands frantically landing on my waist as her lips send me up to space.

A month is too long to go without kissing her. It's like my body was in hibernation and finally just woke up the second she kissed me.

The puzzle is put together again.

"I missed you so much," Wren hurriedly says, her lips ragged on mine, our kissing sloppy and desperate, hungry for one another.

"I missed you too," I whimper into her mouth, her fingers stoking the building fire all over my body the more she moves them around, squeezing and grabbing.

The back of my knees hit into the dresser, Wren thinks quickly on her feet, tapping the back of my thighs in wordless signal. Jumping up slightly, she takes the reins and lifts me the rest of the way so that I'm seated on the dresser, her torso right between my legs.

Her lips send my nerves alight as she moves them away from my lips to my neck, to my ear, nibbling on my earlobe, pulling a weak moan out of me while my legs start to tremble, the heat between my thighs brewing, the pulsating engine revving to life.

My fingertips dance along the back of her neck, head tilting back when her hand curls around my throat, thumb and forefinger gripping my jaw, animalistic sounds coming out of my girlfriend the more she tastes my skin, feeding our souls from starvation for the past four weeks.

"Baby," I whisper, her lips parting from me as she pulls back, eyes open and swimming with desire, bonfire joy.

My lips curl up, the anticipation of our reconciliation bringing my hands to a shaking heap of nerves and thrill.

I take in her frame, delicately running my fingers through her hair as I swallow hard, absorbing her features, relearning her face while her expression warms and the recognition flashes in her gaze, realization that this isn't a dream but is real life.

"I just want to look at you for a moment," I mumble, my heart beating faster than it ever has before, tilting my head as my chest aches joyously.

Her charmingly sweet little smile melts me to my core, those lips I've declared sacred plump and glistening, screaming to kiss me as I play with her hair.

"You're hair got longer," I mutter, part of me sad at the indication of our distance this past month, but the other part of me jumping for joy with how gorgeous this length is on her.

Wren blushes all nervous-like, as if this were our first date and runs a hand over the hair.

"I've been using serums and all to make it grow faster. I actually just got the first trim last week at the base," She tilts her head slightly, showing me the clean-cut trim that I trace over, smiling giddily, heart fluttering up to the ceiling.

"You look beautiful."

"I could say the same about you. Even more gorgeous than I remember," She cups my cheek with the softest of touches, eyes like stars shining down on the earth, admiring the land and cities, flickering with reflective light.

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