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A/N: Someone said y'all deserve a double update and I agreed so I stayed up till 4:30 am writing this. 


So you get a thank you present: double update!

Enjoy :)

Wren POV

"Ello, nice to meet you, I'm Wren Grant," I greet kindly, wiping my hands on the sides of my pants before shaking the woman's hand.

"Hi, Wren. I'm Dr. Sadi Fox, you can call me Sadi or Dr. Fox or whatever makes you feel comfortable. Come on in," She opens her office door for me and I walk in, coughing uncomfortably as I breathe out.

"How's Doc sound?"

The shorter woman smiles and nods, "That works. I understand this is your first ever therapy session?"

I look to the wall, seeing her undergraduate degree in Psychology from Boston University, a masters degree in Counseling for Mental Health and Wellness from NYU, and a doctorate in Counseling Psychology from Columbia University, all perfectly aligned next to one another, brilliantly framed, along with her therapy license.

Taylor and I did some diving on therapists yesterday after I returned from a quick brand meeting with Dior about the new line for the winter coming up. We're gearing up to leave for London in just a few days, before December hits, but I knew finding a therapist was a priority. Not just for Taylor but for me too.

Christi was over the moon when I told her, though concerned, of course, she helped us and when I found Dr. Fox online, Christi made it happen. She's one of the leading therapists in discreet therapy for celebrities and high profile clients, so of course I jumped on it.

Griffin probably thinks I'm fucking psychotic with how anxious I was in the car. Taylor was on the phone with me the whole ride, reassuring me that it'd be fine, Christi texting me that I'll be alright, but I'm definitely freaking out.

I've never seen a therapist before. Ever. Christi's been trying to get me to go for years but I always pushed it off, assuming I was okay. I guess I never realised just how badly I needed to see a therapist until the other night.

A night I will never ever forgive myself for.

Scaring Taylor like that...what the fuck was I thinking? How could I let my emotions get the best of me like that? I just got so worked up, so freaked out that the one thing I've managed to keep secret for the past five years was finally exposed, to the most important person in my life no less.

It was terrifying, and then I turned terrifying. My hand is still bruised along the knuckles, and I think by now Taylor wants to kill me for how often I've been apologising. I got up early this morning to run to the market and get her some flowers, then made breakfast before I left for my meetings.

I've got a lot of making up to do for the way I lashed out at her like that...and for being the reason she had someone come to fix the hole in the wall today.

Being here is a necessity. I've needed help for a while, probably ever since I was small, but better late than never, right?

"Yeah, I uh...Never done this before. Are you going to scan my brain or something?" I ask and Dr. Fox chuckles.

"No, I'm not going to scan your brain. We're just gonna talk. Would you like anything to drink? I've got water, coffee, tea."

She gestures towards a cute little table against the wall with the options and I resist the urge to ask for whiskey, settling on a cuppa tea and gratefully taking it, sitting down on what has to be the comfiest seat in the universe.

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