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A cute soft Wrenlor chapter for you all :) 

Taylor POV

The talk had to have worked somewhat, because for the past three days it's been just Wren and I. But today I woke up to an empty room, Wren's side of the bed cold.

My eyebrows pull together as I sit up, looking around, towards the bathroom to maybe catch a glimpse of a light peeking out from under the door, but it's dark.


Puffing out a stream of air I sit up in bed and reach for my phone, opening it to see if maybe she had texted me, but I don't see anything from her, just messages from Gigi, Selena, Tree, all talking about how great the song with Zayn is, that the teaser images for the music video all look great, though it is still well over a month away from release.

Tree's messages are kind check ins and updates that no one has spotted Wren or I still, that people still think Wren is with Selena, that rumors claimed Wren was with Selena on her recent trip, to which Selena did not hold back in teasing about, bless her soul for never failing to help us out.

And then come in the other messages and tweets and posts, the ones that come once a day every single year.

I pull myself out of bed and chuckle at some messages, some of the fans' Tumblr posts and tweets, I find myself even responding to a few on Tumblr, joining in on their jokes and sending them love, a place where I know it's just an us thing, that my fans that truly care protect the privacy and enjoy interacting with me.

The floorboards creak as I take each step with tired ease, washing up with my mind barely awake, heading towards the stairs, each level of wood groaning with the exhaustion I feel from the past few days' activities.

She must've forgotten.

She must've gone to see her mother again.

I rub the sleep from my eyes, shooting a quick text to my Mom, telling her I'll give her a call later, not at all noticing the sweet aroma wafting in from the kitchen.

Each new step I get closer to it and it isn't until I reach the island that I notice the plates of eggs, bacon, and other breakfast foods. Frowning, I look up and am met with those beautiful blues that look brighter than any star in the sky.

"Good morning?" I chuckle and Wren grins widely at me, smiles cheesy and kid-like but beautifully wide.

My doe-eyed and bushy tailed girlfriend springs up with her arms out wide, presenting the food I can already see.

"Happy birthday!"

She remembered.

"You remembered."

Wren snorts as she rounds the island and cups my cheeks, pressing her lips into mine deeply, happily, perfectly.

When we part, she stays close, resting her forehead against mine, those eyes ever so kind, ever so beautiful, before she pulls back a bit, chuckling.

"Of course I remembered. Why wouldn't I?"

The list could go on for hours if I start reading it off; coming to London, work, her schedule, the paparazzi, the headlines, Kanye, Kim, Alice.

But I don't need anything making that beautiful smile of hers disappear right now, because she made a whole breakfast feast just for me. That smile that is so wide, bigger than I've seen it since that day we spent in Camden Market. That was over a week ago now.

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