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A/N: AYOOOOOO You know what to do :)

Taylor POV

Selena and Florence are cuddled up on the couch, snickering and laughing to each other as they play Words With Friends. I looked over at Selena's phone to see why it was so funny until I saw that they're trying to only use dirty words which is just...I have no words.

Wren had showered after coming home and joined us for dinner. We ordered sushi and she practically housed six Victoria Rolls and five Dragon Rolls the second she came down, very clearly fresh out of the water due to the droplets falling from the tips of her hair. She said she was too excited to eat.

She's curled up on the couch, her plate on top of Meredith that's perched on her lap, happily shoving sushi into her mouth.

I pull my phone out as she lifts another roll with her–what she calls her "special"–chopsticks, giggling as I record a video on SnapChat.

My girlfriend has this tendency when she eats to stuff her food into her mouth and store it in her cheeks like a squirrel. And she gets all shy when I point it out.

"Maylorrrrr" She mumbles through the food, cheeks getting all red as she tries to cover them with her hands but I just laugh and move the camera closer.

"If you guys ever wondered what a squirrel disguised as a human looks like, here's your example."

When she chews, her cheeks look even chubbier in the most adorable freaking way. She really does look like a squirrel storing food in her cheeks like that, making them all round and chubby. They also look adorable squeezable, but I refrain as I end the video, smiling down at it while kicking my feet.

I tag her before posting it to my private story, reaching for my glass of bourbon on the coffee table, stealing a sip before leaning back and turning my attention to the television as time winds down to the interview.

The fire is going below the television, the stars are shaded by the storm clouds tonight, letting the midnight rain come pouring down, my favorite kind of weather of all.

Getting ready to watch an interview at the same time the whole world is going to be watching is nerve-wracking. I don't normally watch all my interviews, I'll watch it after the premiere, sometimes watching big ones, but the only time I'll sit and watch something with the rest of the world is my own music video premieres.

Now I'm sitting on my couch with my girlfriend and two of our best friends, watching her interview where she gives a little white lie about our relationship.

The first thing I say though, once she appears on screen is, "Holy fuck babe, you look hot."

Seeing her in a pantsuit is something I don't think I could ever get tired of. Her in a dress is already hot enough, but in a pantsuit? Wow.

Wren chuckles and Selena whistles loudly, "That's my fake girlfriend!"

I shoot my best friend a playful glare, to which she only scrunches her nose teasingly at me and reaches across the couch, Wren meeting her halfway until they hold hands and my girlfriend swoons dramatically.

"All I want in life is to look good for you, my beautiful Selena."

"Okay! Enough of that," I pull their hands apart, Selena and Wren both laughing, Florence snorting as she scuffles over to the kitchen to grab a beer out of the fridge.

The interview goes really well, and once they get to the love life topic, my chest tightens immediately. The crowd is already losing it once the topic is brought up, and you can clearly see Wren's cheeky little smile and dimples, how her cheeks go slightly pink even under her makeup.

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