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A/N: Attendance Timeeee

I was surprised to feel no pain after that filling. And they did it fast too, so props to Doctor Caine for making my life a shit ton easier. I absolutely despise mouth pain, it drives me insane. But it was fast and painless.

If I was in pain, I am undoubtedly sure that Emma would throw a fit because I would've cancelled lunch. But here we are, chowing down on food as if we've been starved for weeks on end. She's had much more free time lately due to Andrew being in London, the lucky bastard, and having a break between her filming schedule. But I know she's been missing her little Spider-Man so I invited her to lunch, distracting her a bit.

Keeping a relationship going in our field of work is no simple task. Take it from me. Being far away, people need you in different places for shoots, interviews, appearances. It's hard for a couple to juggle those tasks and keep a relationship afloat.

Apparently for some it's even harder to do that and stay loyal to your partner. But hey, who's counting?

"Have you talked to Katrina lately?"

I suck in harsh air with a tight grimace, shaking my head at the mention of my ex.

"You mean the she-devil that I went to visit and found her in bed with some random guy? No, I have not talked to her since last year, thank you very much."

Emma chuckles and sips on her vodka-cran, "Good. That was a test. I just saw her the other day when I was in Boston and she asked about you. Just wanted to make sure nothing came of it."

"You saw her and you didn't call?" I frown, blinking at my friend who rolls her eyes. Why wouldn't she call me and let me know? If Katrina was asking about me, I think I have a right to know about it, and to know exactly what she said to Emma.

"If I called, she would've wanted to talk to you and I'm not letting what happened the last time you guys broke up happen again. Florence would murder you, first of all. And you always just cave in to her antics every single time she pops up. So now that she's back on the East Coast and will probably be in New York for the fashion show this weekend, I'm red-flagging you. High alert, no contact."

"I do not always cave in," I poke out my bottom lip, cheeks flaring up while she just snorts.

"Please. You guys broke up three times in the two years you dated and every single time she came crawling on back, you slept with her and boom, the wheel kept turning."

My eyes fleet around the cafe, assuring no one is eavesdropping on us to hear how pathetic I used to be when it came to her, but I straighten up and shrug.

"I'm a different person now."

"Yahuh. Anyways, I'm glad. And on the topic of this weekend...what are your plans?"

Moving my gaze upwards as if the ceiling has my calendar scrawled all over it, I squint in thought and pull my lips inwards. Mentally, I go through my days, trying to think of if Christi put me on for anything but come up blank.

"Nothing, I believe. Why?"

Green eyes turn mischievous and giddy, clapping her hands excitedly, "Perfect! Taylor's having a party at her place in TriBeCa before she starts renovations and has to move out for a while. I'm thinking you could be my plus one?"

Ah, the woman with the encapsulating eyes and the very strange but amusing sense of humour. We've been DMing every so often, sending memes back and forth. Last night I sent her a meme I saw of herself.



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