Affirmations(Lou[Uglydolls] X Reader)

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611 reads and it's been literally a month. Holy shit, guys. Thank you so much.

My plan today is to crank out the list of one shots I have. So, here we go.

Let's see which one shot destroys my wrist.


It was a Friday night. The sky was cloudy. Not a single star could be seen. The light of the moon very dimly shone through the cloudy sky.

You had Lou in your arms while you both slept. You were curled up in the fetal position under your blanket. Lou was curled up into you. You were unaware of his heavy breathing from the nightmare he was having.

You were awoken by the scream that left his mouth.

"Lou, what's wrong..?" you asked with panic and sleep in your voice.

You looked down at him in the darkness. He was sitting up and feeling all over his body in a panic. 

"Oh, my doll..." he exhaled deeply upon realizing he was fine.

You tapped your lamp. It turned on to the dimmest setting. "Lou, you okay..?" you rubbed your eyes, leaning on an elbow.

His blue orbs locked with your (e/c) ones. He swallowed thickly. "Yeah. Just a bad nightmare."

He looked at your clock to see the time. It was 11:23.

"Do you wanna talk about it..?" you asked.

"Can we go into the living room? I don't think sleep is an option right now," he told you.

You nodded without hesitation. You picked up the sentient doll prior to getting out of bed. You crept past your sleeping mother and down the stairs to the living room. You grabbed your throw blanket off the arm of the couch then sat down. You draped the blanket over you then turned on the TV. You played "Eternal Sunshine Of the Spotless Mind" on low volume so your mom wouldn't wake up.

She was a deep sleeper, but you didn't want to risk anything.

"Over or under?" you asked.

"Under. You know what? Over. I really need to be held right now," he said matter-of-factly. 

You took him into your arms in a hug. His head rested against your shoulder. He clung to you.

"What was it about?" you asked.

He sighed. "I was recycled. The bots malfunctioned and they just threw me in. Not even Moxy or Ox noticed. It felt so real. The pain of being ripped to shreds and just... just being alive while it happened. It wasn't quick and painless. It was torture. Pure torture."

Your heart clenched. "Oh, Lou... You're okay. It wasn't real. I've actually had a dream or two like that. Feeling the pain and being afraid of the situation being real."

"Really?" he asked while melting under the touch of your hand rubbing up and down his back.

"Mhm. They were pretty terrifying," you replied. "Do you think maybe it's your past coming back to haunt you?"

"Sadly, I do," he reluctantly agreed. "I'm not like that anymore. Even Moxy and Ox saw my change before I met you. I'm not-"

You cut him off. "-alone anymore."

"Alone anymore..." he trailed off.

You continued. "They forgive you for your past. You were just angry everybody kept leaving you and you never knew the feeling of being loved by a human."

You kissed his temple. You tightened your hold on him a little. He turned his head to face away from you. You began to stroke his hair. Sweet nothings and affirmations were whispered into his ear.

After about ten more minutes of comforting, you heard Lou's soft breathing. You smiled softly. You carefully retreated back to your room after turning the TV off.

Once there, you got back into bed. Lou was asleep on your chest, his head on your shoulder. You were laying on your back. You felt him nuzzle his face into your shoulder.

"Sleep sweet, Lou," you whispered to him. After some time to make sure he was passed out, you carefully rolled onto your side, keeping Lou pressed to you. Sleep came easily.


I have two King Dice one shots and a Prince Gumball one shot up next. I may or may not write more after those, but I don't know. Only time will tell.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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