Chapter 21

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He placed his hand on the fabric and caressed it roughly.
It was my first time doing all of it, I was scared to not be good enough, or do something wrong.
I managed to pull away from the kiss while Minho wanted more, trying to catch my lips back, he was still touching me.

: Stop... please.

The boy's eyes were suddenly full of worry, he stepped back.

Minho : I- Jisung I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that.

: No minho that's not-

Minho : I can go home, yeah? Yeah I'll do that, I'm sorry Ji.

Don't go, that's not what I meant, I want to do it with you.

The brunette was ready to leave when I grabbed him by the arm, my boxers still showing and my hair in a messy state.

: Minho! Listen to me.

He turned around to face me and I cupped his face, making sure he would listen to me.

: I want you, just not in the kitchen, let's go to my room.

Minho : Are you sure?

: Yes.

The older let out a sigh of relief and dropped his head on my shoulder.
I suddenly felt my body in the air, I looked at him and put my arm around his neck to get more stable in his hold.

He carried me to the room and dropped me off on the bed, leaning on me at the same time.
He started kissing me slowly, he stood up and quickly took off his clothes, leaving him in boxers.
I was going to do the same but he got back on the bed and pinned my hands above my head.

Minho : I want to be the one undressing you.

He went down, my hands still under his control, he bite my t-shirt and slowly pulled it up, never breaking the eye-contact. Once the fabric was up my neck he released my wrists and passed the clothing over my head.
He lifted me so I was sat up against the bedhead.
My pants were gone the next minute.
Minho was looking at the bulge under my underwear, he smiled at the sight and positioned both my legs on his shoulders, going lower.
I looked at him staring me, his lips made their way in my inner thighs, I had goosebumps, it felt so good.
I melted on his touch, spreading my legs more, but he kept them in control, restraining me from getting confortable.
He was approaching my member, I anticipated it a lot, but I trusted him.

He put his mouth over the black fabric and left kisses on it, I wanted more, I wanted him to do it on my cock directly.
I reached where he was to get rid of my underpants but he caught my hand and hold it, carressing the back.
He finally caught the clothing between his teeth and sharply took it off.
My organ went straight up, too stimulated from waiting.

Minho : That's good baby, you're really patient, you deserve a gift.

I was too needy to answer to him, I put a hand on his head, almost pushing him on my penis.

Minho : Tell me love, what do you want?

He waited for a reply but I was too excited to talk. I still managed to put two words together.

: suck me.

He chuckled shortly and took my member in his hand, plumping it up and down, slowly.

: faster, please.

Minho : What a polite boy.

He bent down and started licking my tip, making me groan immediately.

He took me in entirely, and started to move his head up and down, at a steady pace, he never let go of my hand and squished it from time to time.

I was getting head for the first time and I wondered why I didn't before, the feeling was amazing, I felt his hot and wet mouth wrap tighter around my cock and I was feeling something building up inside.

: Min- Minho I think I'm going to cum.

The brunette got faster and moaned on my dick, making me moan with him and ejaculate in his mouth.

I came to my sense slowly and realised what I had done.

: Oh my god! Minho go spit it in the sink!

He raised an eyebrow and swallowed the substance, licking his lips to show me what he did.

I wasn't disgusted, surprisingly.

He's so hot.

I looked at him, dumbfounded, realising the situation.

: Wait let me do the same, I can-

He shushed me and hugged me tightly.

Minho : You don't need to, I wanted to do that for you, please get some rest.

He layed me on the bed and went to the bathroom, I heard him brush his teeth.

I felt guilty, he satisfied me but didn't ask for me to do something in return.
I waited for him under the covers, he came back quickly and lied down next to me.

He put an arm around my waist and scooted closer so my head could rest on his chest.
His hand found my hair, like it was where it belonged.
He hold me tight and I quickly fell asleep before I could say anything.

thank you for reading <3

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