Chapter 38

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Minho had ghosted me for 2 days now, I couldn't reach him and even Chan didn't know what he was doing because he wasn't answering him neither.
I was sitting on my couch, stressing over my boyfriend because he had been silent for days, I felt like something had happened.
My leg was bouncing from anxiety and I hoped to have a message from him.

I heard a knock on my door and instinctively got up, I reached it and opened it slightly, but as soon as I saw Minho I opened it fully and caught him in my arms, he looked tired.

"Minho!" I wrapped my arms around him and he didn't react.
I looked up to see a dead expression on his face and it scared me.
I invited him to enter my flat and we headed to the living room, he sat down and I did the same.

"Minho, can you explain what happened?" I took his shoulders.

"My mom found out about us." He muttered but I managed to understand, my body tensed up and I widened my eyes.

"What? How?" I asked and he sighed.

"Our teacher posted a picture on the campus' instagram account, we were holding hands, she put two and two together and I just admitted I was dating a man, she hit me and told my father who also hit me, oh, my phone got broken too." He explained and I couldn't get a word out.

He looked at me and slowly reached for my face, he hesitantly approached his lips to mine, I closed the gap between us and poured all of my love into our kiss.
Minho's hand's rested on my jaw and I knotted mines behind his neck. We moved together at a steady pace, he caressed my face as his tongue traced my bottom lip.
He pulled away and I saw stars in his eyes, his gaze was intense and I didn't know why but I noticed a hint of sadness in it.

"Let's break up." He whispered.

I frowned and panicked, I shook my head and held his hand.

"No Minho, we can overcome this." I responded but he shook his head as he smiled slightly.

"You should find someone who could present you to their family." He caressed my hair and I hold his wrist with both of my hands.

"Minho stop saying nonsense." I kissed his palm, he kissed my nose and pinched my cheek before standing up.

"Don't." I grabbed his arm but he just pushed my hand and made his way to the door.

"Minho, don't leave me." I begged but he put on his shoes without sparing a glance.

"We've only been dating for a week, you'll get over it." He muttered but I didn't want to hear it.

"You're my first, I want to spend years with you, please let's stay as a couple and find a solution together." I felt tears building up in my eyes.

"I am sorry Ji." He made his way out, and my feet refused to move.
I was now alone again, my knees felt weak and I fell to the floor, crying silently.

I didn't want to accept that it was happening, I imagined every situation but not us breaking up, because I thought our love was stronger than other's opinion.
I continued to cry, but eventually had to get up, a heartbreak was horrible but I couldn't just stop everything, I still had to live normally.

After that day, I tried countless times to reach Minho but he never answered, Chan also told me he was barely replying to his texts.
Hyunjin and Felix came over to confort me but it obviously wasn't working.
My mom also paid me a visit only to see her son in a state she'd never seen.
I had told her Minho broke up with me and she got mad at him, but I didn't want her to hate him, because even I didn't.
I believed that he would come back, that we would end up together again after all of this, but I was wrong.

The winter break was almost over now, and I hadn't spoken to Minho since.
I was happy to go back to college, maybe it would be a chance to bring us back together.

As soon as I arrived, I saw Chan sitting alone on one of the bench, I quickly went up to him.

"Chan!" I sat down next to him and I knew he understood my concern.

"Sungie..." he started off with a reluctant tone, instantly puting me in an nervous state.

"Minho and his family moved to another city." He hesitantly admitted and my heart tightened in my cheast.

"What do you mean?" I didn't want to believe what I heard.

"Minho isn't a student here anymore." He repeated and I blinked a few times.
My head dropped and even if I felt like crying I propably didn't have enough water in my body anymore since I used all of it to cry during the 3 weeks break.

Life had become dull and unworthy, Minho was my ray of sun and the person I could rely on, my feelings for him were genuine and strong, I had my first time with him, gifted him my heart, but all of this was meaningless now.
From now on, I had to continue living as if nothing had happened, I didn't want to move on, I felt like I couldn't.
Chan patted my back and the bell rang, taking us out of our sadness for a second.

We went to class and Hyunjin and Felix were already there, we sat down next to them, but no one dared to say something since they had noticed how broken I was.
The lecture was annoying and I couldn't concentrate, the teacher's words sounded like another language in my ears and I started to wonder if I wasn't actually becoming crazy.
I looked through the window and saw the backyard, the same backyard I saw Minho kissing his friend, instead of anger, I felt pain, because now even seeing him had became impossible.

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