Chapter 36

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"Jisung! Jisung help me!" I heard muffed screams as I slowly woke up from me sleep.
I looked around and saw that Minho was missing, which quickly put me into a panick mode.

"Minho?" I called and immediately heard an answer.

"I'm here!" I looked down and saw Minho stuck between the two beds, unable to move.
I broke into laughters and couldn't stop myself.
I held my stomach and whipped the tears in the corners of my eyes.

"Okay- I get it it's funny- but now help me please." Minho was laughing as well and I simply felt like I was in a fever dream.
I finally took him out of the hole and he inhaled as he came back next to me.

"I was clinging to you when suddenly the bed swallowed me." He whispered and my laugh finally calmed down.

"Should we just sleep in one bed?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

"Maybe we should, come here." He patted the empty spot next to him and I followed his gesture.
We were practically sleeping glued together but it didn't matter since we both loved skinship.
He wrapped both arms around me and caressed my head to help me fall asleep.
After a few minutes we were already sleeping heavily.

I woke up with the rays of sun shining through the room, as soon as I opened my eyes, I noticed that Minho wasn't here.
I looked around and his phone as well as his shoes were gone.
I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes, still a bit out of it, I grabbed mon phone and called him.
But he didn't answer, I frowned but decided to stay in the hotel room anyways.

A few minutes later, I laid back down in bed after brushing my teeth and washing my face, the door opened and Minho appeared in front of me.

"Where were you?" I asked, a hint of curiosity in my voice.

"Hehe, look." He showed me a plate full of food, there were pancakes, strawberries, eggs and even waffles.

"You wouldn't wake up for breakfast so I brought it to you." He smiled and placed the plate on the nightstand by my side, he jumped on the bed next to me and took a pancake.

"Open your mouth." He held the sweet in front of my face and I laughed but was quickly silenced by the food in my mouth.
I chewed quietly, enjoying the taste.
Minho took a waffle and ate it as well, we finished what he brought and laid down for a bit.

"We have to get ready." He whined.

"I know, we're going skiing today right?" I asked as my gaze drifted over to his face.

"Yep." He got up gave me my ski suit as he put his on.
I did the same and we were ready in no time, I checked one last time if we took everything we needed and we headed out to the hall.

Everyone was already there and the teacher clapped to catch our attention.

"We'll walk there so be careful since it's slippery! It's about 20 minutes away and I don't want to hear anyone complaining!" He shook his head as some students let out a whine.
We all got out and started our walk to the ski station, the cold morning had hardened the floor and it was indeed very slippery.

I put one foot in front of another slowly but still managed to almost fall, Minho noticed and laughed.

"Hey!" I hit his shoulder and he sighed as a smile spread on his face.
He took my hand and intertwined our fingers despite our thick gloves.
A few person fell and the teacher would told them to get up without worrying.
I was enjoying the fresh air and good atmosphere, my hand felt warm thanks to Minho and the scenery was so beautiful that I forgot it was a school trip.

About 15 minutes into the walk we could see the station from afar and some classmates decided to race, pushing each other to secure the first place. It was funny to watch and the professor was nearly losing his mind.

"Wait, do you know how to ski?" Minho raised his voice and I shook my head as an answer.

"I never skied before." I informed him and a smirk appeared on his face.

"Well! I'll teach you." He proudly squinted his eyes and lifted his head.

"You know how to?" I asked in surprise.

"There's nothing your boyfriend can't do!" He wiggled his eyebrows and I simply scoffed.
Everyone went their way and we were quickly alone, Minho leaded us to the chair lifts and we got in one.

Minho immediately closed his eyes and lowered his head, I looked at him in confusion but quickly caught on.

"Wait Minho are you afraid of heights?" I curiously asked as I put my hand on his shoulder.

He nodded and I smiled, findind it kind of cute.
I took his hand and caressed its back, in an attempt to reassure him.

"You can look now." We got off of the transport and he finally opened his eyes and exhaled.

"Okay!" He suddenly shouted and caught me off guard, I tilted my head to the side and Minho took my hand as we approached a slope.
He placed me next to him and showed me how to stop and how to turn, I took note of everything in my head and once Minho slid down I followed his moves, but immediately fell.

"JISUNG?!" Minho shouted as my face was in the snow, I lifted it up and put a thumbs up to show him I was okay.
I tried to get up but fell everytime, I was starting to get embarrassed as a few of our classmates were also there.

"Jisung! Cross your ski's!" I heard my boyfriend scream, I obeyed and finally stood up.
I cheered and continued to slide down slowly, I finally reached Minho's level and he gave me a reassuring smile. We endend the course together and I let out a breath of relief once it was finished.

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