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⚠️Heavy smut chapter⚠️

My eyes opened slowly, the usual warmth next to me wasn't there that morning, I tapped to the empty spot on the bed and frowned.
Minho wasn't there.
I rubbed my eyes and inhaled loudly before actually getting up to check where he was.

I walked to the bathroom and he wasn't there, I went to check in the kitchen but he wasn't there neither, the living room was also empty. I took my phone out of my pocket and called him,
no answer.

It was weird, just as I was about to really start to worry, the door opened, making a big noise.
I looked in the direction of the entrance and saw Minho.

"Min!" I rushed in his arms ans hugged him, he had an unfamiliar scent in his jacket, and I couldn't distinguish what it was, but it has the usual feeling of women's perfume.
I srunched my nose as I inhaled a different smell, I looked up at him and he seemed tired.

"Are you okay?" I caressed his cheek and he took my hand to lean into my palm, he closed his eyes and kissed my fingertips.

"Hm." He sighed and directed his gaze on me, he blinked a few times before looking away.

"Min, what happened, where were you?" I might have sounded like a pushover but I had a werid feeling.

"I was at the supermarket, I'm tired." He let go of my hand and headed to our room.
I looked at his back, uneasiness lingering in my body, I was tensed up and relaxed my shoulders as I shook my head, ignoring my suspicions.
I joined him and saw that he was already in bed, waiting for me to lay next to him.

"I need cuddles." He opened his arms and I happily accepted his offer.
He tightened his hold around my body, Minho would get super affectionate when something bad happened, and it was exactly what he was doing, kissing my hand, not talking much, but still asking for physical contact.
I decided to wait a bit to question him though, even if I was dying from curiousity, I had to be sure to comfort him first of all.
I caressed his hair and twirled a few strands around my index. We both fell asleep again.

"Babe, you know you can tell me anything, hm?" I kissed his forehead and Minho nodded.

"I know, it's nothing important, I promise." He played with the threads of my sweater, his mind seemed elsewhere, as if he was constantly thinking about something else.

"Actually..." he sighed as he started.
I nodded, wanting him to continue, he took a pause but spoke up again.

"I went to see my mom." He scratched his neck and fixed his eyes on the ceiling.

"What? Why?" Minho and his mom had stopped talking since a few years ago according to what he told me, he was tired of being manipulated and wanted to live freely, which I could completely understand, but why would he go back to her.

"I wanted to see if she had changed, if after these years she would finally accept me, but I was foolish." He scoffed and his haze landed back on me.

"What did she say?" I scooted closer to him, my gaze never leaving his.

"Well, I told her I was dating you, the same man as before. She went crazy, saying I was a failure, my dad was there too, he shouted so loudly, my head was about to explode." His breath was shaking and he was obviously holding tears.

"Min, listen to me." I caught his hand and intertwined our fingers. I put both of our hands on my chest, right on my heart.

"You're not a failure, you're the reason I'm happy everyday, you're the reason why I love cats, you're the reason I appreciate summer even though I used to hate it, and you're the reason why I believe in soulmates. My heart learned to love thanks to you." I didn't quite know why, but tears rolled down on my cheeks, I could only imagine how hurt must Minho have been, and it broke me. I could only share his pain by crying in his stead, and even if it wasn't enough, it was the only thing I could do.

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