Chapter 1

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"Listen, listen!"

The teacher caught our attention by clapping her hands.

"I want you to work in groups"

"No! Don't complain! I know it's not the easiest task but it's a must! Now decide your groups and choose wisely!"

She insisted on the word "wisely" because she knew some students would just take this as an opportunity to be with their friends, which I was planning to do.

As soon as the class started to form in little groups, Hyunjin came to me quickly.

Hyunjin : Jisung! I want to pair with you!

He joined his hands and made puppy eyes as if I was going to refuse him.

: you know it's a yes, why do you act like I'm not your friend in the first place?

Hyunjin : I don't know, maybe because I can never trust you?

: what? I'm hurt!

I put my hand over my chest where my heart was, to dramatize the situation, as usual.

Hyunjin : you know I really like it when you match my energy, I'm glad I tried to eat your pen in kindergarten!

: yeah don't know about that one...

Hyunjin : stop acting, you love me!

I rolled my eyes playfully, but what I forgot was that we were supposed to be in groups of four.

"Guys, can't find anyone to be with?"

The teacher came to ask us, I didn't know if it was sarcasm because she saw we were laughing or because she was really truly concerned.

: Oh actually, we're not really good at socialising with others.

The teacher looked around to see if any groups were also incomplete.

"I won't separate you, don't worry"

I was a little relieved because Hyunjin was literally the only person I knew in my class.

She pointed out a group of two students "go with them" she ordered.

Hyunjin and I had no other choice, we stood up and joined them.

: Hi, the teacher suggested us to be with you since we're only two either.

?: oh yeah that's fine don't worry! What are your names?

: mine is Jisung.

Hyunjin : and I am Hyunjin!

?: your names are cool! Mine is Chan and my friend Felix.

Chan smiled at us and felix was seemingly already so excited to work with us.

Felix : I love meeting new people but I don't take the first step often, I'm glad we're doing this project together!

Hyunjin : you're like a sunshine, cute.

Felix laughed, he had freckles like stars constellation, his eyes were almost closed when he smiled, he was really cute and I could tell he was really nice.

Chan seemed more like a dad, he was smiling but more calmly, he was looking at felix, amused but also as if he was proud of him.

I was thankful to the teacher for pairing us with serious and nice people.

All the class was now parted in groups of four, but we still didn't know what we had to do.

"Class!" the woman was waiting for everyone to listen to her.

"I'm now going to hand out the topics you'll be presenting" she took little papers in her hands and gave out one to each group.

Once she came up to our table, she gave the little paper to Chan.

Chan : oh wow!

Hyunjin : what did we get?

Chan : "is freedom of speech a limit to the well-being in society ?"

: what the..?

Felix : I mean... it's good! It could have been so much worse.

Chan : you're right, I don't think it's bad, it's just... very controversial?

: yeah I agree, if we say yes then we're saying that we should supress freedom of speech but if we say no then it feels like we're ignoring the problems it causes.

Hyunjin : I don't even have an opinion on this topic, what the hell...

: don't worry, we'll find something!

I was trying to reassure him but I wasn't truly confident myself neither. It was a tough topic but I think we could still handle it well.

Chan : I can do the deck if it's okay with you!

Everyone agreed and we were now splitting the work between us.

Felix : I can do the intro by defining what Freedom of speech is and then I'll introduce on your parts by saying that it can be used to denounce and express yourself but also as an excuse to offend others and that it sometimes crosses the line. I'll also give examples that you can deepen later on!

: yeah sounds good! Maybe Hyunjin and I can contradict each other by giving opposite answers and Chan will finish by conluding on the topic! If it's okay with you of course.

Chan : yeah I like that idea!

We spent the hour talking about how to organise everything and even drew slides to help Chan and show him our ideas.

When the time was over, we had to go our respective ways, we all exchanged numbers and made a groupchat to share our progress.

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