Chapter 6

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Changbin : So, sung.

: Yeah ?

Changbin : I was thinking about releasing it as a single, I'm too excited to wait.

: If that's what you want, do it!

Changbin : You think so?

He rested his head on his palm and looked at the floor, he seemed hesitant, it was his first song he would show to everyone after all. I knew Changbin well, he was scared of people's opinions.

: Don't worry Changbin, I'm sure that it will be apreciated.

Changbin : Sung, I don't want people to just appreciate it, I want them to feel something, to understand what I meant by writing this song.

: The lyrics are so well written that they'll understand, I'm convinced. Don't doubt yourself too much.

He hugged me, it had been a long time since we hadn't shared a deep moment like that one. Changbin was really dear to me, if I had something to share, he would be the first person that would came to my mind. He was honest and respectful. When we were in middle school, he would beat up the kids that mocked me. We always had been together through the years, so seeing him so unsure made me feel a little sad.

I was so proud of him.

We discussed a bit more about everything and he left saying that it was late.

I watched a few episodes of my favorite anime One Piece and went to sleep.

I woke up at 10, feeling energetic, remembering about tonight.

I ate breakfast and spent my day laying around, watching TV. The evening was there faster than I expected. I got up to get ready, I didn't know what to wear, it was my first time going to a theater by my own will.

I chose a white jersey with black pants, it was extremely simple but still cute. It was a safe choice. I checked myself in the mirror one last time and left.

I was early, since the seats weren't assigned, I wanted to be sure that I would have a good view.

A few person were already there, chatting happily. I was an introvert so it was a bit weird for me to be in that kind of place.

I spotted a seat that seemed to offer a good access to the stage. I settled into it and took my phone out while waiting for the dancer to start.

Every light went off and the music started to play, I got startled but quickly put my phone away and focused on what was going in front of me.

The dancer appeared from behind the curtains, he was walking slowly to the center. He had the same mask from the other day, but today he was wearing all white.

His moves were like ocean waves, slow but sharp. It felt like the music was the one following him. He was offering a show that left everyone amazed.

He danced, he never stopped. His hands were far away, but why did it feel like they were pulling me to dance with him?

Even if I couldn't see his eyes properly because of the face covering, I noticed that they shined.

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