Chapter 34

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"It's freezing!" Minho shivered.

I blew air to see it turned into steam, it was amusing, I bent down to take snow and threw some on Minho, the boy's eyes widened and he took it as a challenge. He made a big snow ball and threw it on me, it hit the top of my head and I shouted, he pointed at me and held his stomach as he couldn't restrain his laugh.
I pushed him to the floor and sat on him, he continued to laugh and I recovered his body with snow.

"Hey stop I'm going to freeze to death!" He tried to push me off of him but I didn't move.
He gathered all of his power to switch our positions and I was now under him, both my wrists under his control.

He approached his lips to my ears and kissed it soflty, it tickled so I started to move under him to escape.
His hold was too strong so I just stopped wasting my energy.
His nose and cheeks were red from the cold, his hair was a mess but his eyes were holding the most beautiful shine I had ever seen, his laugh echoed through my ears and a tear slid down my cheek. Minho's expression was immediately filled with worry, he released my wrists and helped me sat up.

"Ji! Why are you crying?" He asked with concern.

"Am I?" I touched my eye and felt it was wet, which was weird because I didn't feel sad or anything.

The older pulled me in a hug and I melted into it, but after a few seconds I realised my legs were starting to become numb.

"Let's go." I stood up hand in hand with my boyfriend and we made our way to the coffee shop we had initially came out for.

"This is precisely why I love winter." I took a sip of my drink and hummed in satisfaction.

"It's refreshing to go on a trip." He closed his eyes and drank some of his coffee.
We had taken a piece of strawberry cake to share, he fed me and I opened my eyes in shock.

"It's actually really good!" I pointed at the sweet.

"Is it?" He ate some with the same fork and nodded in surprise, even if we had seen everything of each other, the fact that he wasn't disgusted by eating after me was conforting, yeah we had already shared our saliva in other ways but seeing him do everything with me was somehow another proof of his love.

"Should we go stargazing?" He pointed at the deep blue sky above us, the stars were neat, unlike when we were in the city. We could count them if we wanted to, and it was amazing.

"It's too cold!" I shook my head but Minho didn't seem to listen to me.

"Please?" He stuck out his bottom lip and I sighed in agreement.
He intertwined our fingers on the table and we finished eating our cake.

Minho and I were now sitting on a porch swing and enjoying each other's presence in silence.
We were simply admiring the nature and listening to the soothing calm of the forest nearby.
I snuggled close to him and the coffee shop had given us a blanket, which was actually more than necessary.
I put the blanket over Minho's legs and rested my hand on his thigh. I felt his head drop on top of mine, his breath was heavy and he was drawing circles on my hand.
If the word "peace" had an image it would have been this moment.
I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend, I still had a hard time to believe that the Minho of September was the same Minho as now, he was almost like a different person.
I moved a little but it only caused him to tighten his arm around me.

"Minho, are you okay?" I asked, unsure of how to feel.

"Hm, let's stay like this a bit more." He kissed my hair and I laid back.
After a few minutes I told him we should go and he sadly got up. We gave the blanket back to the waitress who was closing the shop, thanking her once more.
We walked back to the cottage and noticed a group of people in front of the entrance.
One of the boys seemed to look at me, I looked back at him but he quickly turned away.

"Do you want to go to the room?" The older asked as we entered the building.

"Hm, we should probably eat first." I suggested since the restaurant had supposedly opened an hour ago.

"Okay then, I'm going to grab my phone, I left it in the room, wait for me okay?"

I nodded and he left to go to our room, I sat on one of the many sofas of the lobby, I pulled out my phone to see a few notifications from Hyunjin and my mom, as I was answering them I felt someone tapping my shoulder.
I looked in the direction of the person and saw the same boy as earlier, the one watching me.

"Hi?" I lifted an eyebrow, wondering why he came up to me.

"Hi, I'm Hyunwoo." The boy smiled widely and sat down next to me.

I shifted away a bit because he was unexpectedly close to me, I had a weird feeling, he came when I was alone even though he had seen me way before.

"Actually, I have to admit something." He started.

I waited for him to continue and he took a breath before continuing.

"I find you really cute, I want to know you more and maybe get in a relationship?" He tried to put on a seductive gaze and leaned further in my direction.

I looked around me to be sure it wasn't a prank or a dare because it was too weird of a situation.

"Uhm, I'm sorry but, didn't you see I already had someone?" I hesitantly answered, not wanting to be mean.

"Yeah but I'm okay with being your sidepiece, you know, if you ever feel like you need someone else to satisfy you?" He put a hand on my thigh and I felt like throwing up.

"Get away before I break your bones." A menacing voice was heard and the guy in front of me suddenly stood up.
I turned around to see Minho, he seemed mad.

I felt shivers and suddenly got scared he had misunderstood the situation, and he propably did because he was looking at me angrily.

I FOUND MY MOTIVATION BACK YAYYYYYY, okay so I almost finished writing this book and I can't wait the last chapters with you! I hope you'll enjoy reading them :)
Thank you for being patient with me!

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