Chapter 16

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Hyunjin : Look, we're going to party tonight! It'll make you forget what happened.

: are you sure..?

Hyunjin often came up with strange ideas, and I think this one was part of them.
I didn't want to forget what happened, if something I wanted to remember it forever.

Hyunjin : Yeah! I'm bringing Seungmin and Jeongin too.

: I know seungmin but who's Jeongin?

Hyunjin : A very cute friend of mine.

He winked at me, as if he had something in his mind.
I ended up agreeing, making my friend excited for the upcoming evening.
We waved each other goodbye and I headed home, still not sure about the party.

I was on my bed, exhausted from the day, feeling like it would never end. Minho kissed me on the morning after he sleptover here, he kissed my cheek at school, hewaited for me after school and insinuated what happened earlier, now I'm going to a party with Hyunjin and his friends
It was a very strange and tiring day, I just wanted to get over it quickly.

I jumped off my bed, scared that I'd be late.
What should I wear?
I was looking through my closet, I only had regular clothes, I decided to put a tight white crop top with baggy jeans, I had never wear that kind of outfit yet so I thought it was the occasion.
It showed a little bit of my abs, if I ever meet someone good, maybe I'll consider sleeping with them.
I sighed at my pathetic thought, I was so desperate for physical touch since this morning.

I finished doing my hair and put on some rings and a necklace to accessorise my outfit.

A few minutes later, my friend sent me a message to tell me he was waiting outside.

I left home to join Hyunjin and his friends.

A car was waiting, I could see the black-haired man through the window, as well as a cute boy on the passenger seat.

I opened the door of the back seats and got in.

Hyunjin : Hi Sung! Meet Jeongin.

: Oh, hi! Nice to meet you.

Jeongin : No need to be so formal! I'm happy to finally meet you too. Hyunjin talked a lot about you.

: is that so? Oh my god Hyunjin..!

I hit his shoulder and acted like he was cute.

Hyunjin : I know I know! Let's go!

He took the road, driving us to the party.

: Oh by the way? Who's party is it?

Hyunjin : A friend I met not too long ago, Jake!

: Oh is he the australian boy on your insta page?

Hyunjin : You really have a good memory don't you?

I smiled at the compliment(?) and took out my phone.

Felix had sended me a message.

Cute lix

Jisung! Is it still okay for tomorrow?

Ofc it is lix

Okayyy, changbin will be
there right?

Yeah, why? 😏

Uhhh just wanted to know
What's with the emoji😰

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