Chapter 8

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1 week later :

Changbin released his song yesterday, he didn't had a lot of views yet, which was normal.

I was, personally, in love with it.

I was decided to show his art to my friends.

When I arrived at school, all I could think about was the lunch.

I felt like the morning would never end.

And lunch time finally came.

The boys and I met at the canteen.

: Guys! I have something to tell you.

Chan : We're listening Jisung, what is it about?

: My cousin released his first song yesterday, I really wanted to show you.

Chan slightly frowned his brows but nodded.

I put 'voices' on YouTube and clicked on play.

Everyone seemed to enjoy it, Hyunjin vas vibing, bopping his head to the rythm.

Once the song ended Chan asked me:

Chan : Jisung, is Changbin your cousin?

: Yes! Wait, how do you know?

: Are yoy kidding me? He's the friend I met last week, we've been friends for 3 years!

: What? He never told me about you though...

Hyunjin : Maybe he just thought it wasn't important! The world is so small!

Felix : I loved his song! Please tell him it's really good, I'll definitely add it to my playlist.

Chan : Jisung you're the one singing right?

Felix's eyes widened.

: Yeah...

Felix : Jisung! Your voice is beautiful!

I was embarrassed by the compliment but took it and thanked Felix.

I propably was blushing hard.

My friends continued to compliment the song and Chan told us how he had met my cousin.

Chan : You know there's this rap festival every year.

Felix : Oh yeah! We went together last year!

Chan : Exactly! That's where I met him. He was screaming the lyrics so loudly and I unconsciously watched him, maybe a bit scared, which he noticed and apologised for it... the good old times when he would still be nice to me.

: He's the nicest though.

Chan : Of course he is, but he never listens to me and do crazy things when I'm around, maybe it's because I'm older, he wants to be childlike.

Hyunjin : No you're right, Changbin is calmer around Jisung than with us, everytime we were alone he'd just be so loud and make stupid jokes.

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