Chapter 15

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We walked in together, Hyunjin was in the entrance hall, waiting for me.

When he saw who I was with he made a confused face but quickly brushed it off.

Hyunjin : Oh hi Sung, hi Minho.

Minho : Hi Hyunjin...

The brunette looked around him quickly and left after leaving a little kiss on my cheek.

Minho : See you later Ji!

He speedily went to his class, leaving a shocked duo behind him.
I touched my cheek, still surprised by what he did.
Hyunjin was looking at me eyes wide open.

Hyunjin : What happened. Tell me, now!

: Nothing, I mean, why did he do that oh my...

Hyunjin : I'm the one who should be asking that! That man just kissed you, AT SCHOOL!

: Come with me.

I took my friend's hand and found a bench to sit on.
I explained everything, from the moment I saw the older kiss another boy, to this morning.
Hyunjin was listening, a few gasps escaping from his mouth.
When I told him about what happened at Minho's, he slapped his mouth dramatically.

Hyunjin : Oh my god, Oh my god Jisung! I don't even know what to say, I'm so shocked.

: Don't say anything, my mind is a mess.

Hyunjin : But that means he's a cheater right? Ew...

: Yeah, disgusting.

Hyunjin : If I was you I'd stop talking to him.

: Yeah I inteded on doing that but, I don't know...

Hyunjin : I just don't want you to be caught in a couple's fight or something.

: You're right, I'll try to talk to him less.

I felt that I couldn't stay far from him too long. But I had too, which was going to be difficult since I had invited everyone, including him, this weekend.

We had to go to the lecture even if none of us wanted to.
The classes were uninteresting, I found myself dozing off multiple times, I would dwell on what happened earlier today.
That man was BOLD, kissing me, on the cheek but still, in public.
Was he out of his mind, what if his boyfriend saw us, or someone else?
Our lips collapsing was also a scene that came to my mind a lot, too much.
I got embarrassed just thinking about it, what did you think you were doing Jisung?

The day was over and as soon as I got out of class I noticed Minho waiting, his head lifting up to meet my confused gaze.

I tried to ignore him but he walked my way, putting his arm around my shoulders once he was close enough.

Minho : How was your day?

: Good, how about you?

Minho : Good, and I'm not talking about school.

I felt my face turning red at his words, but before I could even say something back, I felt someone snatching me aways.

Hyunjin : Come with me Jisung, we have to go.

: Uh, oh yeah right! Bye Minho.

We quickly got out of the building, hyunjin holding my hand all the way trhough.

: That's okay Hyune, you can let go of me now.

I smiled politely, I knew that he was mad at me for still talking to Minho and accepting his touch.

Hyunjin : Look Jisung, I'm not mad at you, not at all. He is the problem.

He emphasised on the "he", my friend wasn't wrong, but I couldn't just forget what happened in a day, yeah I know it's just a kiss and I should act mature and get over it, but it was actually my first and with someone I didn't expect at all at that.

I was lost and didn't know what to do anymore, maybe he was an honest guy after all, rumors are quickly made and can ruin someone's reputation. Maybe he wasn't in a relationship?

But he never denied it.

What should I do...

Hiii loves! It's been long since I last posted and this chapter is also really short I know, I'm sorry about that :(
I wasn't really feeling like writing lately, I took a little pause to find my motivation back but I still haven't 🤡
Anyways, I still wrote this little chapter to update!
I hope you have a good day! Love u

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