Author's note

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Hi! I hope you liked my story, I initially wanted to make it a sad ending one, but then I thought, "why would I crush my reader's expectations by pulling them apart?"
But anyways, I can't believe I finished writing this story, it's my longest one and I feel like I'll always come and look back on it because I've been writing it for a few months now!!
I see all of your comments and I'm truely so so so so so grateful, I love to read your feedbacks and opinions, writing is a confort hobby so even if I do it for fun, having people reading it is so much of a honour,
I think I'll do a few bonus chaps if you want to!
I loved writing it, even if it came with long pauses and sometimes lack of ideas and motivation, I still enjoyed every minute I put into it.
I will like to thank you oncr again for reading and commenting/voting.
Take care!!!


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