Chapter 14

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Minho : Ji.. wake up...

He was tapping my shoulder gently, not wanting to scare me.

Minho : I'm going, see you at school.

I opened my eyes immediately, I felt the sudden guilt eating me.

: No, I'm coming, wait for me.

Minho smiled and went to the living room as I got ready.

I chose a blue hoodie with gray baggy jeans after I was done brushing my teeth and washing my face.

I took my headphones and put them in my bag.

: I'm ready, have you eaten by the way?

Minho : No, we're really early, I'm taking you to a café.

: No you don't have to we can eat cereals wait I'll-

Minho : Ji, I want to eat out, with you.

: Oh... Okay then.

Minho had the same clothes as yesterday, he was propably going to change when picking up his things.

We were walking silently, his flat was not that far, about ten minutes away.

: Did you sleep well?

Minho : Yeah, what about you?

: Oh.. yes.

Minho : this was an unsure answer.

: Yeah because I actually had a hard time falling asleep, I guess I'm not used to share my room.

Minho : You should have told me, I would have gone home.

: No! It's not what I meant, I'm actually happy.

Minho : And why is that?

: You took good care of me, and I wasn't alone, I liked it.

Minho : You can call me anytime, I'll keep you company.

: Thanks, I appreciate that.

Minho smiled, he pointed the appartement in front of us, "I live here"

I observed the building, it seemed like it would have been expensive to live here.

I didn't know a lot about Minho.

He pushed the door and waited for me to enter the hall.

I shook my head, I didn't want to be a burden.

Minho : What are you doing? Come on in.

: No I'll wait for you don't worry, go take your things.

Minho : But I want you to come with me...

The brunette faked a sad face, I laughed and decided to follow him.

He showed me the way, and we finally arrived in front a big white door.

He opened it and invited me to enter by a welcoming gesture.

It was minimalist, I could really see the boy through the decoration, it was simple yet really detailed.

A few canvas were exposed on the wall, one of them depicting a flower garden. It caught my attention.

Minho : You like it?

The oldest approached me, looking at the painting.

: Yeah, it's beautiful.

He looked at me, with his usual smirk.

My eyes met his, I didn't know if breaking the contact would be good, so we were just staring at each other, I caught him once again looking to my lips for a brief moment,

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