Chapter 17

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: What are you doing here?

Minho : I should return you the question.

He smiled sarcastically and glared at Yunjin who had stopped dancing.

Yunjin : What's with the look?

The boy put on a fake smile and his arm around my shoulders.

Minho : Oh nothing! I was just wondering who you were.

Yunjin : Yunjin, you're Lee Minho right?

The older's face broke in confusion, he raised an eyebrow, still suspicious of the girl.

Yunjin : Don't worry, I don't care about you, but my friend does.

Minho : who's your friend.

She pointed to a short haired girl who was staring at us from afar.
She quickly turned around when she noticed that we were looking in her direction.
She was cute.

They would make a perfect match.

I shook off these thoughts of my head, not wanting to bring my mood down.

Yunjin : Anyways, I'm Huh Yunjin, now that you know who I am, can you let me enjoy the evening with that handsome man?

She took my hand and pulled me to her side, I wasn't prepared for that so I slipped off easily of minho's hold.

He chuckled and disappeared in the crowd.

Yunjin : Are you good? We can go sit if you don't.

: What? why would I not be okay?

Yunjin : I don't know... I felt like he wasn't your friend.

: Yeah, even I don't know. Thanks for worrying about me.

Yunjin : That's normal Jisung! Come with me we'll find a spot to rest.

I followed her, Yunjin was looking for a seat.
We finally found a free couch in another room.

I let myself fall on the sofa and sighed because of the situation.

The girl who was with me was just observing my reactions, propably not wanting to interfere in my business.

Yunjin : Anyways! You go to JYB school right?

: Yeah,  you?

Yunjin : Oh I got into HYPE, I'm thinking about dropping though.

: What are you majoring in?

Yunjin : Business huh, it's so boring.

She looked at the ceiling, seemingly reflecting on her school career.

My phone buzzed into my pocket.

It was him.


Where r u
I miss u
With me
Im waitifn

Are you drunk?

A little

Did you drive here?


I got up, feeling the urge to go help my friend.
I told Yunjin that I had an emergency and we quickly exchanged our phone numbers before I went to look for him.

There were too much people on the living room, making it difficult to see.

I spotted Chan in the crowd and almost run up to him.

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