Chapter 10

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My teammate nearly made me fall by jumping and hugging me.

Minho : STRIKE!

Chan : Waa... Well played Jisung!

Changbin : I'm going to kill you! When did you learn to do that, you're usually so bad!

: Go cry about it.

Felix was laughing soundly, he whipped his tears away and took a ball since it was now his turn to play.

Hyunjin was focused on him, propably hoping for a strike.
The blonde did a spare, which was good too.
Everyone played and only Minho was left, he took the ball as I watched closely. He winked at me and walked confidently in front of the lane.
He threw the pink sphere straight in the middle, before I could realise it Changbin was whining.

Changbin : How could you also do a strike?!

Hyunjin : Why is the little man getting angry?

My cousin turned around, widening his eyes, he was ready to fight. Felix who was near him faked holding him back. Everyone was enjoying the moment.

We finished the game after one hour, Minho and I won.

Minho : What did I say?

: We won because of you.

Minho : No we didn't, you were pretty good.

: Aww, thanks!

I hadn't felt like this in so long, having a group of friends to do fun activities with. We were saying our goodbyes, Chan and I were going to Changbin's and the others were going home. Felix asked for my cousin's number, which gave it to him happily.

Changbin had came with his car, so he drove us back to his house, Chan was sitting in the passenger seat, and I was at the back putting the music.

We were vibing to the songs, the boys were dancing and singing loudly until we arrived.

My friends and I got out of the car and headed to the producer's flat.
I didn't know why but I felt like us three were a really good match, I was eager to see what Chan had produced but also, and especially, his singing.

The oldest took his laptop out of his bag and put it on the desk, he went through numerous files to finally open one and turned the device in a way we could see the screen.

"File 325"

Chan : It's an instrumental I'm really proud of, please listen attentively.

He clicked on play and let us enjoy his work.

Changbin and I looked at each other with surprised looks, we continued to focus.
Once the song had ended, Chan was patiently waiting for a reaction.

Changbin : It's perfect.

: I love it.

Chan : Really? I'm touched.

They then taught me the secrets of producing and even showed me how to create instumentals.
I was enjoying the moment with my friends, when my phone vibrated.

I took it off my pocket to see a notification.

It was from minho : "thank you for today."

I smiled at the message and put my phone back in my pocket, without opening his text.

Since we were hungry, the boys and I decided to go out to eat, even if it was late, McDonald's would still be open at this hour.
The night was cold, Changbin had landed us his coats.
The oldest in the front seats were discussing and I was on my phone at the back.
I opened and replied to the text I had received earlier this evening.

"No problem, I'm happy I could help(?)"

"You definitely helped me, it was fun."

"I enjoyed it as much as you, we should do this again"

"Do what"

"You know, eat together and hang out"

"Just the both of us?"

This question was unexpected, I didn't know what to respond, but I felt like being a bit bold wouldn't hurt.

"Yeah, you and I"

"Sounds like we're planning a date"

"Aren't we?"

"You're funny man"

The last response left me a bitter feeling, I wasn't sure why, even if I wasn't completely serious, I wasn't totally joking either.
I liked his text and turn off my phone.

Changbin parked the car and we got out.

We ate quickly and my cousin kindly drove us to our houses.

The moment I opened the door, I hastened to put my pajamas and go to bed.
Today was a long day, I was tired of talking and laughing, the only thing I wanted now was a good night of sleep.

Chapter shorter than usual but importanteeeerrrr ( in my opinion)
I wanted to ask you guys about side ships? What are you preferences, bc I already have ideas but I'm not so sure, should I just not do any?
Also, is the story moving too fast? I kinda feel like I'm rushing?
Anyways let me know!
Thank you for reading <3

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