Chapter 29

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"Do you like it?" He asked while eating his own food too.

"I love it!" I smiled and took a bite of the meal.

We were having dinner in a fancy restaurant, I wasn't the type to be a fan of these places but since Minho was the one bringing me there I was actually quite pleased.
I admired the fancy chandelier hanging from the ceiling, it was shining brightly.
We were sitting at the table by the window and the whole city could be seen, I contemplated the view, it all felt like a dream.

"You seem to enjoy our date, don't you?" He winked and I shook my head as I scoffed.

"Of course I do, why wouldn't I?" Our eyes met and my thoughts were starting to go crazy.
A smirk appeared on Minho's lips and he lowered his gaze on my lips.

We finished our meal and he paid, which I was grateful for.

"You didn't need to, I could have paid for us!" I hit his arm lightly.

Before I knew it he took me in his arms and left a kiss on my forhead.

"Did you really think I was the type of man who makes his boyfriend pay?" He tightened his hold and I felt butterfly in my stomach.

"Hmm I mean it's not a bad thing, I appreciate that you pay for us but it makes me feel dependent..." I pouted.

I could see the stars in his eyes while he looked at me in awe, he nodded and pecked my nose as we were getting closer to the car.

"Fuck..." he groaned.

I sat on top of him and he closed his eyes.

"It hurts!" He almost shouted as I put my hand over his mouth.

"It's almost over, stop complaining!" I was doing his makeup.

We arrived at my place a hour ago, Minho had seen my cosmetics and wanted to try since he never did before.

I decided to do a light but sexy makeup look, with a smokey eyes and reddish lips.
I was satisfied with the result and I put the little mirror in front of his face so he could see it too.

"Oh, wow." He touched his cheek and his lips parted slightly.

"You are beautiful Lee Minho." I pinched his nose.

He lifted an eyebrow and put a hand on my thigh.
I looked down and gulped, knowing what was about to come.

"Don't you want to show your love to that beautiful boy?" He pointed at his face and I widened my eyes.

"Someone is eager.." I pushed him down and kissed his neck making him let out a little breath.

"I love it when you're bold like this." He switched our position and my wrist were quickly under his control.

"But I like it more this way." He squinted his eyes and our lips connected.

We were kissing roughly between our moans and wandering hands.
My mind was a mess and I moved my hips to create some friction between us, which he noticed.
He pressed his hardness on my stomach, making me shiver under the touch.

"Do you want to?" He kissed my forehead, almost out of breath after ou make out session.

I wanted to, but it all felt sudden since it hadn't even been one day since we started dating, I didn't want to leave him frustrated though.

"Uhm, yeah if you want to..." I looked away.

He let my wrist go and sat up next to me.

"Baby, just tell me if you don't feel like doing it, I'm not a beast." He smiled and caressed my cheek.

I melted into his hand and kissed his palm, feeling loved more than ever.

"I didn't want to disappoint you." I refused to look his way since I didn't know how he would react.

But Minho put a finger under my chin and forced the eye contact.

"Don't ever say that again, you won'y disappoint me, if we're having sex it's because we both want to, or else it's rape, and I don't want to do that." He seemed serious, I simply nodded in response.

We ended up watching a series, with some snacks.
I wasn't focused on the TV, or more like I couldn't, since I felt my boyfriend's eyes glued on me.

I sighed and put the show on pause.

"Why aren't you watching?" I lifted an eyebrow.

Minho had an amused face.

"You're more interesting, that's why." He smirked and I frowned.

I shook my head and leaned into the many pillows under me.
I was looking at Minho, his silhouette was perfect even with clothes.
His broad shoulder complimented his defined chest and leaded to the toned and smooth abs, but his lower body part was also amazing. His thighs were thick and muscles were seen, so much that we could do anatomy with them, and his cock-

"You look like you're about to eat me." He laughed and my thoughts were cut short.

"Can I sit on your lap?" I asked.

"You'd prefer not to..." he scratched his jaw and smiled but more shyly this time.

"Why?" I tilted my head.

"Just because, don't." He looked away.

He seemed too suspicious, Minho saying no to this was do unusual that I took it as a challenge. I got up and fell on his lap, but by pure accident obviously.

As soon as my butt landed on him, I felt something like a rock under me.

"Oh my..." I widened my eyes and smiled as I was trying not to brust int laughter.

"I told you not to sit... you must think I'm an animal ugh..." he passed his hand through his hair.

"I don't, it makes me hard actually." I pointed down and he looked at the obvious bulge under my pants.

His cheeks became red and his hands were still lying on the sides of him and not on my body.

I caught his fingers and made him grab my chest.

"What are you doing?" He seemed excited to know.

I took off my sweater his nail brushed against one of my nipple, making me quiver.

"Let's do it, I can't wait anymore." I whispered.

Hiiii!!!! First of all : SORRY!!!
I know it's been more than a minth since I've uploaded the last chapter and honestly I just lost inspo for this fic...
I'm trying to write more chapters so I don't leave it unfinished
This chapter was almost just 2 men in heat trying to restrain themselves but anyway- I managed to finish it somehow
I love all of you! Thank you for continuing to read even though I put this book aside a bit...

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